slide dalam link ini cukiup banyak jadi kalau belajar mungkin agk malas. giman ccaranya menciptakan kiat kiat dalam diri supaya bisa rajin belajar dengan tekun...
friend, let's we begin our discussion in this link. maybe with my question below... 1.What then do by mucus after it absorbed water soluble, harmful gases, and bacteria? 2.Is the conditioning air inspired mean the air is “heated” by cappilary as we known?
Hi!! Frogs skin used for respiration when frog submerged. Oxygen diffuse through frog skin directly into blood flow. Frogs lungs used for respiration when frog on land area. Oxygen enter the nostril, through throat and puff it, then force the air into lungs caused frog throw voice, kung kong kung kong. HIhihihi
atika> I think breathing in frogs that use the skin is assisted by a special mucus. so the frog must stay in the watery area so that skin does not dry angga> tingkyu
friends, maybe i can add the explanation about frog respiration. frog's skin is permeable for O2, CO2, and also water. The surface of frog's skin contains many blood vessels. When frogs under water, O2 diffuse through the blood flow directly. on the land, frogs use their lungs for respiration. frogs' lungs rather similar with human's lung. but, frogs don't use chest muscle (otot dada) for their respiration. air enter through nostril which has valve, and caused throat puffed up, then it pushes down the base of mouth so that the air enter to the lungs. shefa dwijayanti ramadani-off a
I wanna try to answer novita's question: "What then do by mucus after it absorbed water soluble, harmful gases, and bacteria?" I've looking for this answer and I get the answer is,"the mucus that absorb bacteria will be throw trough urine. Maybe anyone who want to add this answer?? thx..
mom.. and all my friend..i want to ask about mechanism of respiration.. i know about "pernafasan dada and pernafasan perut" when we do the pernafasan peutdan pernasan dada? is there any diferences about them ?
i want to answer Dyah's question : ofcourse there are differences between pernafasan dada and penafasan perut. in pernafasan dada, it use Otot antar Tulang rusuk, but if we do pernafasan perut, it use otot diafragma. and about the time it happend, it belong to our activity in my opinion :)) _Oktavia Astiana/ OFF.A/ 2010
and about the third question from Dyah : The Trachea is the passageway for Air to get to the Lungs. As such its resistance to the air must be controlled to control flow rate. This is achieved by Smoothe Muscle running posterioly, attached to the ends of the C-shaped Cartilage Rings. It is a bit like an archers bow in that when the muscle contracts the two end of the C are brought closer together, giving a more circular shape and reducing the size of the airway. when the muscle relaces the tension in the cartilage opens the airway again.
I want to answer first question from dyah : 1. Chest breathing is breathing that involves the muscles between bones ribs. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows.
Inspiration phase. This phase of muscle contraction ribs between bones so that the chest cavity enlarges, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance. Expiration phase. This phase is the phase relaxation or muscle between the ribs return to their original position is followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity which rich in carbon dioxide out.
2. Abdominal breathing is breathing that involves the muscles of the diaphragm. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows.
Inspiration phase. This phase of contraction of the diaphragm muscle that enlarges the chest cavity, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance. Expiration phase. This phase is the phase of muscle relaxation or diaframa return to its original position followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity which rich in carbon dioxide out.
Maybe anyone will add my answer? NDZANI LATIFATUR R. OFF A/2010
i wanna answer first question from dyah ,, and complete the answer of oktavia astiana
Chest breathing takes place in two stages, there are: Inspiration, occurs when muscles contract between the outer ribs, ribs lifted, the volume of the chest cavity enlarges, the lungs expand, so the air pressure becomes lower than atmospheric air, so that the air intake. Expiratory, occurs when the muscle relaxes between outer rib, ribs will be attracted to its original position, the chest cavity volume decreases, the air pressure of the chest cavity increases, the air pressure in the lungs is higher than atmospheric air, consequently the air out
Abdominal breathing takes place in two stages, there are: Inspiration, occurs when the diaphragm muscles to contract, resulting in a horizontal diaphragm enlarges the volume of chest cavity so that air pressure decreases and followed that inflates the lungs resulting in lower air pressure than atmospheric air pressure and air intake. Expiration, the diaphragm muscle begins with relaxation and abdominal wall muscles contract causing the diaphragm lifted and arched pressing the chest cavity, chest cavity so that the volume decreases and pressure increases so that the air in their lungs out. Abdominal breathing generally occurs during sleep.
i think this lesson (about Chest breathing and Abdominal breathing)we got in junior high school .. :)
constriction of the airways due to smooth muscle that forming the wall of the channel continues to contract, due to allergies or lack of adrenal hormones.
mom, and friends ,, birds breathe with lungs, as far i know birds also have air bags / air pocket, how the relationship between both organs? and how the mechanism?
i'd like to complete question from dyah as far as I know.. singer mostly pernafasan perut to make her/his breath semakin panjang for our breathing everday, it mostly use pernafasn dada
Birds have a breathing apparatus called air bags/air pocket (pundi-pundi udara)that connected with the lungs. The function of the air sac, among others, to assist breathing and to help raise siring cavity so as to amplify the sound.
The process of breathing in birds occurs as follows. If rib muscle contracting, ribs move toward the front of the breastbone and moves downward. Chest cavity becomes larger and the pressure decreases. This causes air to enter the lungs and then enter into the coffers of air. At the time of the rib muscles relax, broken bones move toward back and sternum move upward. Chest cavity decreases and the pressure becomes large, making the air out of lungs. Similarly, air from the coffers of the air out through the lung. Uptake of oxygen by the lungs occurs at time of inspiration and expiration. Gas exchange occurs only in the lungs.
to oktavia birds have several organ for respiratory, such as trachea, lubang hidung celah tekak, and a pair of lung..
pundi2 udara owned by the bird there are severeal kinds, those are
air sacs in neck, intercoracoid air sacs, air sacs in pit, air sacs in breast, and air sac in stomach...
this air sac has several function : -helping respiration when bird is flying -hardening voice by enlarging gutter chamber -holding body heat - meringankan body when flying
so, this air sac only have it's function when the birds are flying.. then, when the birds are settling, it use lung
i still confuse about this >> in humans, the incoming air is filtered by the nose hairs, whereas in fish, filtered by the serrations gills, then how in the frog?
yeach I know.. astma is happen both in man and women,,, and it's heritage from parents.. I just answer as far as I know about astma.. besides, it caused from genetic, it also caused ' sperti yang sudah saya jelaskan'
in the CPR procces,, when human get stuck of oxigen ( urgent condition), people who has ability to do CPR will ' melubangi ' daerah leher.. why do it placed in neck ?
@RIMBI : I agree with oktavia answer, astma is a heredity disease and usualy astma downed from Parent or maybe grandfa or grandma to next generation. But usualy downed from father to daugther or from mother to her son.
Friends, i have a question too. Why our respiratory system can secrete mucus? And when it happened?
Yeah, i agree with Desy's and Putu's answer, asthma is happen both on women and men. It caused by many of factor. Such as heritage from parents, food that we eat, tired factor, shock ("terkejut"), or maybe stress. When asthma happen, the diameter of air passageway is little close, so that people must breath forcefully to get the oxigen.
For Icha : Actually, the simple explanation is the oxygen are diffuse through alveolus cell then diffuse again to blood cell, in blood cell the oxygen bind with hemoglobin in oxyhemoglobin molecule... (this my opinion, anyone can complete my opinion please :)
@ Oktavia : I think if father have astma, so will downed to daughter. Cause as far i know the " keturunan genetic bersifat menyilang" But maybe astma also caused of alergi. Usualy alergi " debu and dingin "
i will try to answer Desy's question The higher a person's body temperature then the sooner aka breathing frequency, this corresponds to penigkatan metabolic processes that occur in the body.and vice versa, if a person's body temperature is low, then the frequency of breathing is also getting weaker
@Putu: Actually, each organism has spesific organ which another one doesn't have. like nose hair in human which function is filtering the incoming air (exactly O2). in my opinion,. Amphibians has another name of organ which help them for filtering the incoming air, but im sorry i don't know the name and where the place exactly ^^
I'll give addition to Hamim's opinion. the o2 and co2 can exchange by diffusion because there is gradient concentration between capillaries and alveoli.
mom and friend, i confused about why sometimes human sneeze many times on the morning but sometimes for 1 hours just like cold and it happend just in the morning/ in afternoon and night it doesn't. maybe somebody wanna help me to know
as far as i know, my doctor said that asthma caused in many factor. maybe heritage from parents, food that we eat, tired factor, shock ("terkejut"), or maybe stress. all of the factor are depend on the people that has asthma. People that has asthma must know about the factor that caused her/his body got asthma, so he/she can prevent the asthma.
why when we breath fast and strong for some second we will feel dizzy? i ever do general check up in laboratory and they ask me to do that in a machine i don't know the name of the machine but i feel dizzy later
i agree with hamim's answer i think so,,the oxygen passes through the thin walls of the alveoli to enter capillaries. Then in the cappilaries the oxygen will join with hemoglobin
@ mitha : not only on the morning we are sneeze but, the sneeze caused many factor Sneezing is the body's response by nasal membranes when it detects the presence of bacteria and excess fluid into the nose, so the body will automatically reject the bacterium. Sneezing can also arise because of inflammation (rhinosinusitis), foreign bodies, viral infection, or allergic reactions. Allergic reaction arises because exposure to allergens. Typical clinical symptoms is the presence of sneezing attacks are repeated, especially in the morning, or when there are contacts with a number of dust. Sneezing is actually normal mechanisms of the nose to rid itself of foreign objects, but if you sneeze is more than five times in a single attack can be expected then this is the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Other symptoms are out of snot (rinore) that dilute and more. but as far as the normal sneeze, sneezing is good, because of the efforts antidote slah merupaka bacteria that will enter
friends,,i have a question. in the nasa cavity, there are goblet cell (respiratory). what is the function of the goblet cell? please give me explanation about it?
To Mita Yudistira Well Mita, I've had this condition in the morning. Even, I'm not in flu.Sneezing, also called sternutation, is your body's way of removing an irritation from your nose. When the inside of your nose gets a tickle, a message is sent to a special part of your brain called the sneeze center. The sneeze center then sends a message to all the muscles that have to work together to create the amazingly complicated process that we call the sneeze. Source: Ardiani Samti
@ karomah the infection of respiratory organ sometimes caused by bacteria and other microorganism that enter to the respiratory tract. the microorganism will disturb our respiratory system.
to dyah question: i think astma also can caused by constriction respiratory ducts maybe in faring and it insulted by spesific alergy can be by dust. i hope it can help
In my opinion, I think breathing is also very dependent on the frequency of the pulse or heart rate produced in our bodies. let alone when we finished it ran very fast heartbeat or pulse we will beat very fast and a lot of breathing becomes very rapid and it is different when the normal time (not running) pulse generated is also normal, not fast and much as in during running and breathing was not too fast.
@ putu in my opinion the function of cilia on the respirator sistem is the cilia beat rhythmically in one direction only, in the, toward the mouth. Thus, the cilia move the debris and pathogen-laden mucus to the oral region, where it is expectorated or swallowed.
it is my opinion,, any one add my opinion????what do you think about that?
i want to answer tutut question : Goblet cells secrete a protective lubricating mucous to help trap dust and bacteria so it can be transported by your mucosal linings via villi organelles in your sinuses outside your body.
Your goblet cells make mucus make about one quart of mucus per day.
@ tutut the goblet cell secret mucous. the mucus can absorb the water soluble and harmful gasses from the air. the mucus which secretion by goblet cell and aid in the entrapment of particulate matter and bacteria. it also moistening the inspired air.
@Hamim, Septi, and Zani: what an excellent and complete answers are yours!! Good Job. Completely I agree,.
@Mitha: Actually,. I Haven't felt dizzy yet, when I do that like mitha. May be, mitha has suffered any disease which can influence your respiratory system ^^
About respiration tract infection, In my opininon. Respiratory tract infection is an infectious disease involving the organs of the respiratory tract, nose, sinuses, pharynx, or larynx. The cause is a virus, bacteria and fungi. Most of the virus. Diagnosis is included in this state is, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis tosilitis.
@ tutut : Goblet cells (muscus secreting) are interspersed among the more numerous columnar ciliated cells. the function is Goblet cells are part of the epithelium lining of lungs and intestines of mammals. They secrete mucus that helps carry away body wastes. Goblet cells are also part of the epidermis of fish, giving fish scales a slippery coating of mucus.
@tutut i get little information about goblet cell Goblet cells are glandular simple columnar epithelial cells whose sole function is to secrete mucin, which dissolves in water to form mucus. Goblet cells are found scattered among the epithelial lining of organs, such as the intestinal and respiratory tracts.They are found inside the trachea, bronchus, and larger bronchioles in respiratory tract, small intestines, the colon, and conjunctiva in the upper eyelid.
@ Mitha: my opinion sneeze cause: 1. The flow of incoming air will pass through the nasal mucous membrane-covered nose, when the mucous membrane is an exposure to irritant substances or allergens 2.Arise because of inflammation (rhinosinusitis), foreign bodies, viral infection, or allergic reactions
Sneezing is actually useful to keep the nose clean, sneezing that occur over and over again is expected to help the cleanup effort in the nasal cavity.
Goblet cells secrete a protective lubricating mucous to help trap dust and bacteria so it can be transported by your mucosal linings via villi organelles in your sinuses outside your body.
Your goblet cells make mucus about one quart of mucus per day.
my sister got infection in her larynx (laryngitis) we know that larynx is respiratory organs. but my the digestive system of my sister usually disturb because of it. when she eat something usually gag (muntah). why it happened??
friend... i have question , because i still confuse. on the pneumonia, "paru-paru basah" there are many "cairan dalam mparu-paru". from which the liquid is. and whether this could rise to lung cancer? Thank you friend..
for septi second question: i just can help little. as far as i know hyalin cartilage form ring to prevent trachea constrict or "menyempit" during "inspirasi". sorry maybe it doesn't help much
to septy before your question have been ask with dyah about the function of cartilage ring in the tracheal muscle. and i have been answer that qustion before :))
is there any differences between microvili and cilia?? in my opinion the function is rather same in respiratory system. it confusing me so,, please explain to me..
@ oktevia: oh, sorry i haven't read your answer before.. :) now, i have read it and it help me so.. thank you.. @mitha: thank you,, a little information is very useful to increase our knowledge..
Friends.. I want to know your opinion: Sorry, if My question silly or funny. But, I really want to know the answer. You know "upil", why our nose can change the bad particle from the air becoming "upil". Sorry, and Thank you
iN my opinion, Microvilli increase the surface area of the cell, usually for absorption. The cells lining the small intestine have microvilli for that purpose.
Cilia wave around to help move the external medium. Cilia lining the trachea do that to help move mucus up the trachea so dirt can be removed.
i want to add my opinion, The structures of both cilia and microvilli differ a great deal, mostly in how they are anchored on certain parts of the cell. Non-motile cilia contain a basal body (a microtubule) that attaches the cilia to the cell body. Microvilli are constructed of a densely packed bundle of cross-linked actin filaments to provide the structural core. A myosin 1a protein and calmodulin attaches the microvillus to the plasma membrane.
The main difference is in the function and movement of the organelles. Cilia, though there are those that do not move throughout the cell body, do ‘wave’, essentially, to move the cell or to move material over the surface of the cell. Microvilli never move. The sole purposes of this organelle are to enhance the surface area of the cell and to increase the rate of diffusion of materials into the cell.
- Inside the chest cavity the windpipe divides into two branches, called the right and left bronchial tubes that enter the lungs. The large bronchial tubes branch into ever smaller tubes, called bronchioles. These in turn divide into even narrower tubes. Each small tube ends in clusters of thin-walled air sacs, called alveoli.
so alveoly called air sacs.
- The cartilage rings in the trachea prevent the trachea from collapsing during absence of air and also protect it.
these cartilagenous ring are C shaped and are meant for particular purposes such as they give support and strength to the trachea, they prevent from collapsing and breaking, also cartilage contain much collagen fibres which are stress resistant.
thanks any other opinion my friends?? From : Dwi tika Ratna Sari Biologi A/A 2010
I'm sorry.. I still confuse about the dyah's answer for my question... why do metabolic process in body increasy when our temperature is incereas.. ???
pneumonia caused by bacterial infection Diplococcus pneumonia. Occasionally, fluid gathered in the pleural space around the lung as a result of inflammation from pneumonia. This fluid is called a pleural effusion. If the amount of this fluid that develops is large enough, it can be removed by inserting a needle into the chest cavity and withdrawing fluid with a spray (syringe) in a procedure called a Thoracentesis. In some cases, fluid may become inflamed very severe (parapneumonic effusion) or infected (empyema) and may need to be removed with a procedure-rosedur more aggressive surgery.
For Desy: In the low temperature, our body is under normal temperature. In this condition our body increase the body metabolism so we need more oxygen. Because of that our breath is hard.
i'm sory for late joining the discussion. I was so interested and wonder in Ardiani's question... let me try to answer^_^
Upil itself formed from the dirt that comes into the nostril through the breathing process. Dust and dirt that enter the nose will be filtered by the filter or nose hairs. Dirt that is not filtered will be captured by existing mucus in noose. Eventually it will harden and mucus formed upil.
Nose picking is an activity that is positive because it helps clear the nose of dirt. This of course makes a person could breathe better because nothing is blocking the airway.
i am sorry friends i am late to join this discussion. friends i want to ask about how the process of the binding of oxygen in the alveoli and the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide? thank you
i interest with linda's question as far as i know the sequence of arr flow in the nasal cavities is The airways are passages that carry oxygen-rich air to the lungs and carbon dioxide out of the lungs. The airways include the: 1. Nose and linked air passages called nasal cavities 2. Mouth 3. Larynx, or voice box 4. Trachea, or windpipe 5. Tubes called bronchial tubes or bronchi, and their branches, called bronchioles Air first enters the body through the nose or mouth, which wets and warms the air. (Cold, dry air can irritate the lungs.) The air then travels through the larynx box and down the trachea. The trachea divides into two bronchi that enter the lungs.
nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, lung (bronkiol and alveoli).
Air from outside will enter through the nasal cavity (cavum Nasalis). Nasal mucous membrane-lined cavity, in which there are oil glands (sebaceous glands) and sweat glands (glands sudorifera). Mucous membrane function captures foreign substances that enter through the respiratory tract. In addition, there are also short and thick hair that serve to filter particles of dirt that goes along with the air. There is also a Konka which has many blood capillaries that serve to warm the incoming air. On the back of the nasal cavity is connected to the nasopharynx through the two holes called choanae.Then Air from the nasal cavity enter the pharynx
It is not a gud answer. Hope it solve Ur problem. ^_^
friend.. our discussion i think very help me to understand this matery, so i can study again.. and more diligent.. Keep our health, and keep our environment, so our respiratory always health.. Thanks.. and SEMANGAT
For Lina and Ruly: I am sorry friend but i meant is the sequence of air flow only in the nasal cavity. We know that in the nasal cavity there are several distinct region, they are vestibule, respiratory area, limited olfactory zone, and paranasal sinuses, jadi apakah udara mengalir secara berturut-turut menurut urutan area yang saya sebutkan diatas atau bagaimana???????
FRiends.....who colud help me to explain the histologycal structure in trachea in indonesian because i have a little difficulties to understand the material in the book, thanks...
I wanna give some information to putu and the others..
The frog has three respiratory surfaces on its body that it uses to exchange gas with the surroundings: the skin, in the lungs and on the lining of the mouth. While completely submerged all of the frog's repiration takes place through the skin. The skin is composed of thin membranous tissue that is quite permeable to water and contains a large network of blood vessels. The thin membranous skin is allows the respiratory gases to readily diffuse directly down their gradients between the blood vessels and the surroundings. When the frog is out of the water, mucus glands in the skin keep the frog moist, which helps absorb dissolved oxygen from the air.
A frog may also breathe much like a human, by taking air in through their nostrils and down into their lungs. The mechanism of taking air into the lungs is however sligthly different than in humans. Frogs do not have ribs nor a diaphragm, which in humans helps serve in expand the chest and thereby decreasing the pressure in the lungs allowing outside air to flow in. In order to draw air into its mouth the frog lowers the floor of its mouth, which causes the throat to expand. Then the nostrils open allowing air to enter the enlarged mouth. The nostrils then close and the air in the mouth is forced into the lungs by contraction of the floor of the mouth. To elimate the carbon dioxide in the lungs the floor of the mouth moves down, drawing the air out of the lungs and into the mouth. Finally the nostrils are opened and the floor of the mouth moved up pushing the air out of the nostrils. Frogs also have a respiratory surface on the lining of their mouth on which gas exchange takes place readily. While at rest, this process is their predominate form of breathing, only fills the lungs occasionally. This is because the lungs, which only adults have, are poorly developed.
maybe any suggestion guys..please give your opinion.. thanks.
i wanna give some information to linda's question.. menurt pmhaman saya..trakea jika dilihat dari pnmpang melintang, mka terdiri atas: a. Mukosa, yang tersusun atas epitel bersilia berlapis semu yang bertumpu pada lamina basal. kemudian ada lapisan epitel silindris bersilia yang paling banyak, diikuti oleh sel-sel goblet. diantaranya ada beberapa sel epitel silindris tak bersilia dengan mikrovili apikal.selanjutnya terdapat sel basal yang bertumpu pada lamina basal. Propia lamina memiliki limfosit yang terjebak dalam serat elastis dan retikular. b. Submukosa, mengandung jaringan ikat longgar dan kecil kelenjar lendir dan campuran serosa yang menembus mukosa saluran untuk mencapai lumen. c. Muskularis d. Adventitia adalah lapisan yang paling luas. Selain jaringan ikat kolagen yang tebal, mengandung banyak cincin hialin tulang rawan berbetnuk C.
maybe the others friend will give explanation that more clearly. thank you..
for: Linda The trachea is a flexible tube that extends from the larynx into the thorax. Its main function is to act as a conduit for air, but it also helps condition the inspired air. The trachea consists of four layers: a mucosa (epithelium and lamina propria), a submucosa, a fibrocartilage layer and an adventitia. These four layers are shown in Figure 1 (human trachea, slide 15 in your collection). Figure 1 is to show illustrate the overall structure of the trachea, you will see the details in other figures. The mucosa consists of a pseudostratified, ciliated, columnar epithelium, (described below) with a very elastic lamina propria. Without special stains, the elastic fibres in the lamina propria (or anywhere else) are not identifiable. The basement membrane of the epithelium appears unusually thick because a large number of collagen fibres are found underneath the actual basement membrane. The submucosa consists of loose connective tissue with numerous mixed (serous and mucous) glands. Ducts from these glands open toward the lumen. Particles get entrapped in the mucus which floats on the serous secretions. The beating of cilia of epithelial cells directs the secretions toward the oral cavity, where they can be swallowed or spat out. The boundary between the mucosa and the submucosa is not obvious. Special stains would reveal an abundance of elastic fibres at this boundary. The fibrocartilage layer consists of a series (16-20) of C-shaped cartilage rings which prevent the trachea from collapsing. As is typical of cartilage, the rings are surrounded by a band of dense connective tissue called a perichondrium. The perichondrium merges with the submucosa and the adventitia (see below). At the back, the open ends of the C are joined by a band of smooth muscle called the trachealis muscle. Contraction of this muscle reduces the tracheal diameter and increases intrathoracic pressure during coughing. The area between the rings is occupied by fibroelastic connective tissue. The adventitia is a layer of connective tissue that binds the trachea to adjacent structures in the neck and mediastinum. It contains the largest blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics from: silfia anggraini_off A_2010
for: putu as far i know,Frogs’ skin is exceptionally thin as well as vascular, and it is kept moist by the secretions of numerous microscopic mucous glands. These attributes make it an effective respiratory may be frog's air filter organ is skin of frog, cos as our nose that have mucus, skin of frog have it,so may be function of frog skin same with nose from ; silfiah anggraini_off a
to rulyana Respiratory system in outline consists of the lungs and composition channel that connects the lungs with the others, namely the nose, pharynx, base of the throat, throat, bronchus. At first we breathe in air through the nasal cavity is then through the pharynx and base of the throat and then continued to the throat. Throat looks like a strong pipeline, located in front of the esophagus, through the neck until it reaches the upper chest cavity. Throat wall is reinforced by some cartilage rings in the back open. In the chest cavity, namely throat throat forked right and left respectively branch entering the right lung and left lung. Both branches of the throat has branches such as the tree. In the last twigs contained bubbles lungs very small and very thin walls. Bubbles were only can be seen with a microscope. Within the walls of blood flowing through capillary vessels, making it easy exchange of gases from blood into air bubbles contained in the lungs and vice versa. Blood was take the oxygen (oxygen) and release carbon dioxide. From the explanation of the above conclusions can be drawn: first, The main function of the existence of our respiratory system is to give blood oxygen gas that will be distributed throughout the body. Secondly, when we breathe then we breathe is a gaseous oxygen (chemical symbol O 2) while the gas gas called carbon dioxide that is released by its chemical symbol CO2 from ; silfiah anggraini_off a
like the Hamim's and Septi's answer, as I know the air (O2) that breathed through alveolus by difussion. in the alveolus, there are many " gelembung2 alveolus" that their wall contain many of alveolar capillaries. further, O2 trough into capillaries and bound by hemoglobin that contained in the blood whereas CO2 out from blood by diffusion. further air exchange is occured. this diffusion occur because any different level gradient (concentration)of CO2 and O2 outer and inner alveolus.
friend I wanna ask, why someone who big in body or fat is faster feeling tired (napasnya menggak2) than normally body or thin aspecillay when run or far walking ??
I have question. what the differences betwen the ABDOMINAL BREATHING and CHEST BREATHING. Kemudian kapan keduanya terjadi dan bagaimana prosesnya trus apakah ada perbedaan fungsi antara keduanya.. Oya satu lagi, apakah organ-organ yang berperan terhadap kedua pernapasan tersebut juga berbeda banyak....? please help me...!!!!!!!
@ QADRIA fat people need more energy than the thin one. because their hearth rate is greater so the need much 02 to make energy by cellular respiration in mitochondria. run and walking also increase the energy need. the body make energy in quicker way though inspired more 02. we know that heart rate influence by activity and body weight
The exchange beetwen O2 and CO2 in alveoli by diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration area. Oxygen continuously diffuses from the air in the alveoli into the bloodstream and carbondioxide (CO2) continue to diffuse from the blood into the alveoli. Respiration air diffusion occurs between the alveoli with capillary membrane. The difference in pressure on the membrane area will affect the process of diffusion respiration. For example in the partial pressure (P) O2 in the alveoli of about 100 mmHg while the partial pressure of 60 mmHg in the pulmonary capillaries so that oxygen will diffuse into the blood. Unlike the case with CO2 to 45 mmHg capillary PCO2 in the alveoli of 40 mmHg while the CO2 will diffuse out of alveoli.
chest breathing Chest breathing is breathing that involves the muscles between ribs bones. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows. 1. Phase of inspiration. This phase is the contraction of muscle between ribs bones so that the chest cavity enlarges, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance. 2. Expiratory phase. This phase is the phase relaxation of muscle between the ribs return to their original position followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity is rich in carbon dioxide out.
abdominal breathing Abdominal breathing is breathing that involves the muscles of the diaphragm. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows. 1. Phase of inspiration. This phase is the contraction of diaphragm muscle so that the chest cavity enlarges, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance. 2. Expiratory phase. This phase is the phase of muscle relaxation or diaframa return to its original position followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity is rich in carbon dioxide out.
And about the function is same beetwen both. The main function is inspiration and expiration. ^_^ hope it will help u...
to silfi : we're already discuss about why aour breating is geeting hard in the cool temperature.. in the mountain.. beside the temperature is cold, it supprot by the higher preasure of that place.. so, it will affect on our metabolism, we need more oxygen to stabilized our o2..
To LINDA: I think it's different. If that LOW CUBODIAL towards more performance, LOW CUBODIAL may set this section in an organ specific respiratory system, whether it be SIMPLE CUBODIAL or not. jadi begini, kalau menurut saya, low cuboidal itu lebih spesifiknya ke fungsi, jadi low cuboidal ini mungkin menyusun organ-organ dimana kinerjanya tidak begitu extra dalam sistem respirasi. kalau simple cuboidal ini mungkin lebih mengarah ke histologinya yaitu jaringan yang menyusun itu simpel yaitu berupa jaringan epitel yang pipih selapis mungkin... dan asumsi saya kalau low cuboidal ini bisa berupa simple cuboidal ataupun bukan,, (INI MASIH ASUMSI SAYA, DAN BELUM JELAS KEBENARANNYA)
to: dwi tika ratnasari sory friends i'm very late to join this discussion, i will try to answer tika's question, trakea membelah menjadi 2 bronkus utama(primary bronchi) yang masuk ke dalam paru-paru pada hilus. setelah masuk paru-paru, bronkus primer berjalan ke bawah dan keluar, membentuk 3 bronkus (tertiary bronchi) pd paru-paru kanan dan 2 bronkus (secondary bronchi) pada paru-paru kiri, dan masing-masing mensuplai lobus paru-paru. so i think the differences is only in the location. from: Lutfi Rizkita_Bio 2010_A
struktur dari bronkus primer hampir sama dengan trakea, namun bila kita teruskan ke bagian respirasi, akan ditemukan struktur yang lebih sederhana pada epitel maupun lamina propria.
sedangka untuk bronkus sekunder disebut juga intrapulmonary bronchi. pada umumnya struktur histologisnya sama dengan primer bronkus. namun terdapat beberapa perbedaan antara lain cincin kartilago mengalami reduksi menjadi lempeng kartilago yang tidak tetap yang secara bertahap akan berkurang jumlah dan ukurannya sebagai akibat berkurangnya lumen bronkus , terdapat otot polos yang berkembang diantara lempeng kartilago dan mukosa, berkurangnya sel goblet, dan epitelium mereduksi menjadi silindris selapis dengan sedikit silia
everyone, can you help me? i have a queston A patient has suffered damage to the left phrenic nerve, resulting in paralysis of the left side of the diaphragm but not the right. X rays show that during inspiration, the right side of the diaphragm descends as normal, but the left side rises. can u Explain me more about this unusual motion of the left diaphragm?
For DWI TIKa: jadi begini, trachea bercabang menjadi dua yaitu bronkus. Bronkus kanan masuk ke paru-paru kanan dan bronkus kiri masuk ke paru-paru kiri. Bronkus bercabang lagi menjadi secondary bronchi. Untuk paru-paru kanan ada dua secondary bronchi dan untuk paru-paru kiri ada satu secondary bronhi. Kmudian masing-masing secondary bronchi di tiap-tiap paru-paru bercabang lagi menjadi tertiery bronchi. Di paru-paru kanan ada 10 tertiery bronchi dan di paru-paru kiri ada delapan tertiery bronchi. Tertiery bronchi ini mensupply tiap-tiap bronchopulmonary segments. Kalau menurut pemahamanku begitu mbak tika.....
I'll try to answer 3rd Desy question The lamina propria is a constituent of the moist linings known as mucous membranes or mucosa, which line various tubes in the body (such as the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, and the urogenital tract).
The lamina propria (more correctly lamina propria mucosæ) is a thin layer of loose connective tissue which lies beneath the epithelium and together with the epithelium constitutes the mucosa. As its Latin name indicates it is a characteristic component of the mucosa, "the mucosa's own special layer". Thus the term mucosa or mucous membrane always refers to the combination of the epithelium plus the lamina propria.
The lamina propria contains capillaries and a central lacteal (lymph vessel) in the small intestine, as well as lymphoid tissue. Lamina propria also contains glands with the ducts opening on to the mucosal epithelium, that secrete mucus and serous secretions.
Mom, question number 2 I do not understand about the histological structure of the terminal bronchioles and respiratory bronchioles. Please explain in detail. Thank you. May be from my friends there are willing to help me? Mom, I was wrong yesterday to comment on the integument chapter, I make comments on the Index and Direct Download Links Holifa Cahyo Ning Arif Off. a 2011
To:Holifa My opinion about ur question.. the terminal bronchioles and respiratory bronchioles have a relation. Each of the terminal bronchioles divides to form respiratory bronchioles which contain a small number of alveoli.., I think it,, but I don't its true or not... :)
oohh... ur welcome friend... saling belajar... Now, I will ask to all of my friends.. saat kita tersedak oleh sesuatu benda asing entah makanan atau debu saat kita bernafas, apakah ada bahaya tertentu pada sistem pernafasan kita?? Roy Befi/P.Bio Off A 2011
Iya bev, saya rasa akan terjadi bahaya pada saluran pernafasan kita. Karena tersedak terjadi akibat masuknya benda asing ke dalam saluran pernafasan kita. apabila kita makan sambil berbicara, klep yang menghubungkan tenggorokan dan kerongkongan mungkin saja terbuka dan akibatnya ada partikel makanan yang hampir masuk ke tenggorokan, dan sebagai reaksinya adalah tersedak. Kejadian tersebut tentunya bisa menyebabkan masalah pada sistem pernafasan kita.
ALFIAN OKTAVIJAYANTI OFF A/ BIO 2011 Mom, I have tired to download this file, because the loading is very long....
TO BEVI: sya rasa iya bef, di dalam tenggorokan kita ada 2 jalur, yang satu jalan masuknya makanan/minuman, dan yang satunya lagi jalan masuknya udara,. Kita tersedak itu disebabkan banyak hal, namun yang paling sering terjadi, kita makan sambil bicara yang merupakan kebiasaan buruk yang harus dihindari, mestinya makanan itu masuk ke jlan utama, namun ia meleset ke jalan udara sehingga menyebabkan kita tersedak. mengenai bahayanya saya pernah seperti itu, setelah "berobat ke dokter"bukna klinik TCM, heheh itu diagnosis dokter saya menderita radang tenggorokan
Anisa Nur Istiqomah OFF A/BIO 2011 ada sakit "Paru-paruh basah" saya masih belum mengerti tentang sakit ini, apakah paru-paru kemasukan air? bagaimana bisa disebut paru-paru basah? can you help me?
Nis, menurut artikel yang telah sya baca. Istilah paru2 basah sedikit menyimpang. sebenarnya Paru2 basah tersebut merupakan nama penyakit dari“Pleuritis Serosa” atau “Pleuritis Exudativa” yang tidak lain penyakit yang disebabkan oleh "tuberculosa".
Oiya teman2. Info yaa.... menurut artikel yg sya baca, dan sya setuju, bahwa istilah paru2 basah itu sedikit mengalami "salah terjemahan". Memang paru2 qt itu basah, karena sesuai dengan fungsinya, paru2 berfungsi sbg tempat pertukaran o2 dan co2 oleh Hemoglobin yang berada dalam sel2 darah merah. Oleh karena itu wajar kalo paru2 selalu basah (dibasahi oleh darah)
dwi,, i think that we can keep our respiratory system always healthy with our food(high nutrition), body (with sport), and also always breath with no pulluted air. but, the last is imposible because our world is full of pollution, so we can keep with nutrition and healthy body. with high nutrition food such as vit. C as antioxidant.
AYU NUPITASARI/PBIO 2011 dwi,, i think that we can keep our respiratory system always healthy with our food(high nutrition), body (with sport), and also always breath with no pulluted air. but, the last is imposible because our world is full of pollution, so we can keep with nutrition and healthy body. with high nutrition food such as vit. C as antioxidant.
To Anisa Nur Guru saya saat SMA pernah mengatakan bahwa tidak pernah ada penyakit paru-paru basah. Biaasanya orang-orang mengaitkan antara telapak tangan yang selalu basah dengan penyakit paru-paru basah. sebenarnya hal itu adalah tidak benar. Berkeringatnya tangan itu berhubungan dengan sistem ekskresi dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan paru-paru basah. Jadi sebenarnya penyakit paru-paru basah itu tidak ada.
AYU NUPITASARI/ PBIO 2011 to: Qurrotul A'yun Baby amphibians, called larvae, don't resemble the adults at all. As they mature, they go through major changes, called a metamorphosis. Adult amphibians usually live on land, never straying far from the water and returning to it when it's time to breed. Frogs and toads, for example, emerge from their eggs as tadpoles (sometimes called polliwogs), little creatures with a rounded head and a tail. They have gills for breathing in water and cannot survive on land. Over time, the gills become air-breathing lungs, the tail disappears, and limbs develop. Adult frogs and toads may spend a good amount of time in and around water, but they need air in order to breath. i think, the gills become lungs also happened because of metamophosis procces. The development of the lungs or disappearance of the gills making the front legs visible.
to Dwi Retno I just dont understand, we all have know that disease about 'paru-paru basah' that already exists in society. then why would you say that the wet lung disease did not exist. if it is wet lung disease was not there, and then developed in the community by the name of 'paru-paru basah' is?
ikhda ria andini 110341421512/A NIS tapi yang saya baca seperti ini Dewi (2012) memaparkan sebagai berikut. "Penyakit Paru-paru basah adalah suatu peradangan yang terjadi pada paru-paru, biasanya akibat kontaminasi. Tiga penyebab umum penyakit paru-paru basah adalah bakteri, virus dan jamur. Anda juga bisa terkena penyakit paru-paru basah secara tidak sengaja dengan menghirup cairan atau bahan kimia.
Jika Anda memiliki penyakit paru-paru basah, Anda bisa mengalami kesulitan bernapas, mungkin juga akan mengalami batuk dan demam. Pemeriksaan fisik dan riwayat sakit mungkin membantu menentukan apakah Anda telah terkena penyakit paru-paru basah. Rontgen dada dan tes darah mungkin membantu mengetahui apa ada kelainan. Pengobatan tergantung pada apa yang membuat Anda sakit. Jika penyebabnya adalah bakteri, mungkin antibiotik dapat membantu." daftar rujukan Dewi,D.M.Y. 2012. Penyebab penyakit paru-paru basah. (online), (
Metamorphosis begins when a tadpole starts to develop legs. Once this process begins, tadpoles can no longer consume food and must rely on stored energy. Throughout metamorphosis, hormones regulate a number of changes in the tadpole. The gills disappear and are replaced by lungs; during this process tadpoles develop the ability to breathe through their skin. Simultaneously, the tadpole's arms start to develop. The tadpole's digestive system also changes, which will allow it to consume a carnivorous diet once it becomes an adult frog; as part of this change, a tadpole's mouth elongates, its tongue lengthens and it grows a jawbone. The final part of metamorphosis occurs when the tadpole's tail grows into its body.
Once metamorphosis is complete, a tadpole is considered a froglet. Froglets look like miniature versions of adult frogs with small, stubby tails. Once tadpoles have become froglets, they can start eating insects along with plants. Froglets must remain in the water until they become full-grown frogs.
Once frogs are fully grown, they leave the water and are able to survive on land. Full-grown frogs have powerful legs for jumping. They are also able to camouflage themselves by changing color to blend in with their surroundings. Despite the large prevalence of frogs in certain regions, many species have become endangered; 32 species of frogs have now become extinct.
ikhda ria andini 110341421512/A QUESTION if the wind sits disease is a disease that attacks the lungs? and what is the criteria of the wind sits disease can sometimes cause people to die, and in the lungs is attacking what?
friends can you help me ?? Why the epithelium of trachea is pseudostratlfled? apakah berkaitan dengan fungsinya sebagai respirasi ? and the next question mukus salah satu fungsinya untuk melembabkan, hal apa yang terkandung dalam mukus sehingga dapat demikian ? terimakasih :)
esti, i'll try answer your question about mucus according the artikel that i have read. Mucus is made of water, enzymes, sugars, proteins, antibodies, and salt. The nature of the sticky (lengket) mucus from the mucin, which is a polysaccharide molecule. so the texture of mucus are so sticky so it can make our nose always moist and can catch the foreign object :) :)
I'll try to answer the question from Andini I think the "angin duduk"disease isn't attack in our lungs, but it attack our heart. it happen because in our heart less the O2 it coz in our heart there is constriction of blood vessels (penyempitan pembuluh darah). the man who take this disease ussually felt pain in the left chest.
So the way to avoid this disease are 1. You can get the sport 2.Don't be stress 3.Take the control to your blood pressure,blood sugar etc
Yes I agree with you vivi about "paru-paru basah". Yang saya pernah dengar itu karena kalu malam tidur pake kipas angin dan sering tidur di lantai tanpa alas..Tapi masih blm tahu itu benar atau mitos.
Kemudian saya ingin meminta pendapat teman-teman, tentang perokok, kira0kira struktur histologi apa yang rusak?dan bagaimana penyembuhannya selain berhenti merokok total?
Alfian Oktavijayanti PBIO OFF A 2011 Pada saat praktikum zoologi vertebrata kemarin saat katak dibedah paru menggembung bagaikan kantong yang ditiup. Apakah jika tidak ada tulang rusuk yang melindunginya saat inspirasi paru-paru akan pecah?
Saya akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan dari Alfian menurut saya bisa saja paru-paru itu akan pecah pada saat inspirasi jika tidak memiliki tulang rusuk. Karena fungsi tulang rusuk sendiri adalah untuk melindungi paru-paru.
saya ingin berpendapat tentang pertanyaanmu tentang rokok. menurut info yang saya dapat. Merokok bisa mengakibatkan pada perubahan struktur dan cara kerja saluran pernapasan dan juga pada jaringan paru-paru. Pada saluran pernapasan yang besar, sel mukosa akan membesar (hipertrofi) dan juga akan mempertambah banyaknya kelenjar mucus (hiperplasia). Sedangkan pada saluran pernapasan yang kecil akan terjadi radang yang ringan hingga penyempitan yang disebabkan oleh bertambahnya sel-sel dan penumpukan lendir. Sedangkan pada jaringan paru-paru akan terjadi peningkatan jumlah sel radang dan juga akan terjadi kerusakan alveoli.
Akibat dari perubahan anatomi saluran pernapasan pada perokok aktif akan timbul perubahan pada cara kerja paru-paru dengan segala macam gejala-gejala klinisnya. Hal ini merupakan menjadi dasar utama penyebab terjadinya Penyakit Obstruksi Paru-paru Menahun (PPOM). Merokok merupakan penyebab utama timbulnya penyakit ini, termasuk juga penyebab utama penyakit emfisema paru-paru, bronkitis kronis, dan asma.
truz mengenai pencegahannya, memang cara utama untuk seseorang mengurangi risiko terkena kanker paru adalah berhenti merokok.
seperti artikel yang saya baca..Program berhenti merokok. Untuk bukan perokok, cara ini sepertinya hal yang mudah tapi tidak untuk perokok. Bagaimanapun banyak perokok yang telah mencoba berhenti merokok dan mengatakan usaha untuk berhenti merokok adalah hal luar biasa sulit. Kecanduan nikotin pada perokok dapt disamakan dengan sakau pada pengguna heroin, bahkan boleh jadi kadang kadang lebih keras lagi. Ini barangkali catatan kenapa banyak sekali perokok berusaha untuk berhenti namun gagal. Seseorang perokok yang telah berhasil berhenti 10 tahun lamanya berarti telah dapat menurunkan risiko 30 -50 persen untuk terkena kanker paru.
Faktor utama keberhasilan untuk program berhenti merokok adalah niat dan diikuti dengan bantuan lingkungan sekitarnya agar usaha itu berhasil dengan sukses.
Usaha pencegahan kanker yang lain dikenal dengan istilah kemopreventif (Chemoprevention). Kemopreventif adalah penggunaan bahan alami, metode diet tertentu dan zat kimia sintetis untuk mencegah perkembangan penyakit. Misalnya vitamin, diet, dan terapi hormone. Banyak cara dan bahan yang sedang diuji cobakan dengan tujuan bukan hanya mengurangi resiko kanker, tetapi juga untuk mengurangi kesempatan akan berulangnya kanker (relapps).
Hasilnya uji coba kemopreventif masih belum telralu mengembirakan berbeda denngan program berhenti merokok yang secara nyata telah menurunkan jumlah penderita kanker paru laki laki di Amerika karena meningkatnya jumlah orang yang berhenti merokok.
slide dalam link ini cukiup banyak jadi kalau belajar mungkin agk malas. giman ccaranya menciptakan kiat kiat dalam diri supaya bisa rajin belajar dengan tekun...
BalasHapusvery nice slide...
BalasHapusi like it....
friend, let's we begin our discussion in this link. maybe with my question below...
BalasHapus1.What then do by mucus after it absorbed water soluble, harmful gases, and bacteria?
2.Is the conditioning air inspired mean the air is “heated” by cappilary as we known?
Novitasari Anggraini Putri
Off A
friends, I want to ask,,
BalasHapusfrogs have lungs and skin for respiration process. how to use both it??
Elysa PEV
Off A
Hi!! Frogs skin used for respiration when frog submerged. Oxygen diffuse through frog skin directly into blood flow. Frogs lungs used for respiration when frog on land area. Oxygen enter the nostril, through throat and puff it, then force the air into lungs caused frog throw voice, kung kong kung kong. HIhihihi
BalasHapusAngga Hermana Budi
Off A
from elysa question, then whether in the skin of frogs that have specialized tissues for respiration?
BalasHapusAtika Dian F.
Off A
atika> I think breathing in frogs that use the skin is assisted by a special mucus. so the frog must stay in the watery area so that skin does not dry
BalasHapusangga> tingkyu
elysa pev
off A
friends, maybe i can add the explanation about frog respiration. frog's skin is permeable for O2, CO2, and also water. The surface of frog's skin contains many blood vessels. When frogs under water, O2 diffuse through the blood flow directly. on the land, frogs use their lungs for respiration. frogs' lungs rather similar with human's lung. but, frogs don't use chest muscle (otot dada) for their respiration. air enter through nostril which has valve, and caused throat puffed up, then it pushes down the base of mouth so that the air enter to the lungs.
BalasHapusshefa dwijayanti ramadani-off a
I wanna try to answer novita's question:
BalasHapus"What then do by mucus after it absorbed water soluble, harmful gases, and bacteria?"
I've looking for this answer and I get the answer is,"the mucus that absorb bacteria will be throw trough urine.
Maybe anyone who want to add this answer??
Suhar Kartika H.
mom.. and all my friend..i want to ask about mechanism of respiration.. i know about "pernafasan dada and pernafasan perut"
BalasHapuswhen we do the pernafasan peutdan pernasan dada? is there any diferences about them ?
DYAH AFIAT/Off A/ 2010
I want to ask about respiratory problems in the form of shortness of breath,. how could this happen? what part is blocked?
BalasHapusThanks you...
on the trakea.. the shape looks like the rings are arranged. is there such a function of the form?
BalasHapusDyah Afiat / off A/ 2010
i want to answer Dyah's question :
BalasHapusofcourse there are differences between pernafasan dada and penafasan perut. in pernafasan dada, it use Otot antar Tulang rusuk, but if we do pernafasan perut, it use otot diafragma. and about the time it happend, it belong to our activity in my opinion :))
_Oktavia Astiana/ OFF.A/ 2010
and about the third question from Dyah :
BalasHapusThe Trachea is the passageway for Air to get to the Lungs. As such its resistance to the air must be controlled to control flow rate. This is achieved by Smoothe Muscle running posterioly, attached to the ends of the C-shaped Cartilage Rings. It is a bit like an archers bow in that when the muscle contracts the two end of the C are brought closer together, giving a more circular shape and reducing the size of the airway. when the muscle relaces the tension in the cartilage opens the airway again.
as far as as I know, most asthma sufferers are women. what is the right explanation for this problem?
BalasHapusI want to answer first question from dyah :
BalasHapus1. Chest breathing is breathing that involves the muscles between bones ribs. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows.
Inspiration phase. This phase of muscle contraction ribs between bones so that the chest cavity enlarges, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance.
Expiration phase. This phase is the phase relaxation or muscle between the ribs return to their original position is followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity which rich in carbon dioxide out.
2. Abdominal breathing is breathing that involves the muscles of the diaphragm. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows.
Inspiration phase. This phase of contraction of the diaphragm muscle that enlarges the chest cavity, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance.
Expiration phase. This phase is the phase of muscle relaxation or diaframa return to its original position followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity which rich in carbon dioxide out.
Maybe anyone will add my answer?
i wanna answer first question from dyah ,, and complete the answer of oktavia astiana
BalasHapusChest breathing takes place in two stages, there are:
Inspiration, occurs when muscles contract between the outer ribs, ribs lifted, the volume of the chest cavity enlarges, the lungs expand, so the air pressure becomes lower than atmospheric air, so that the air intake.
Expiratory, occurs when the muscle relaxes between outer rib, ribs will be attracted to its original position, the chest cavity volume decreases, the air pressure of the chest cavity increases, the air pressure in the lungs is higher than atmospheric air, consequently the air out
Abdominal breathing takes place in two stages, there are:
Inspiration, occurs when the diaphragm muscles to contract, resulting in a horizontal diaphragm enlarges the volume of chest cavity so that air pressure decreases and followed that inflates the lungs resulting in lower air pressure than atmospheric air pressure and air intake.
Expiration, the diaphragm muscle begins with relaxation and abdominal wall muscles contract causing the diaphragm lifted and arched pressing the chest cavity, chest cavity so that the volume decreases and pressure increases so that the air in their lungs out.
Abdominal breathing generally occurs during sleep.
i think this lesson (about Chest breathing and Abdominal breathing)we got in junior high school .. :)
i wanna answer the second question from dyah :
BalasHapusconstriction of the airways due to smooth muscle that forming the wall of the channel continues to contract, due to allergies or lack of adrenal hormones.
mom, and friends ,, birds breathe with lungs, as far i know birds also have air bags / air pocket, how the relationship between both organs? and how the mechanism?
BalasHapusi'd like to complete question from dyah
BalasHapusas far as I know..
singer mostly pernafasan perut to make her/his breath semakin panjang
for our breathing everday, it mostly use pernafasn dada
i wanna explain the oktavia's question ..
BalasHapusBirds have a breathing apparatus called air bags/air pocket (pundi-pundi udara)that connected with the lungs. The function of the air sac, among others, to assist breathing and to help raise siring cavity so as to amplify the sound.
The process of breathing in birds occurs as follows. If rib muscle contracting, ribs move toward the front of the breastbone and moves downward. Chest cavity becomes larger and the pressure decreases. This causes air to enter the lungs and then enter into the coffers of air. At the time of the rib muscles relax, broken bones move toward back and sternum move upward. Chest cavity decreases and the pressure becomes large, making the air out of lungs. Similarly, air from the coffers of the air out through the lung. Uptake of oxygen by the lungs occurs at time of inspiration and expiration. Gas exchange occurs only in the lungs.
to oktavia
BalasHapusbirds have several organ for respiratory, such as trachea, lubang hidung celah tekak, and a pair of lung..
pundi2 udara owned by the bird there are severeal kinds, those are
air sacs in neck, intercoracoid air sacs, air sacs in pit, air sacs in breast, and air sac in stomach...
this air sac has several function :
-helping respiration when bird is flying
-hardening voice by enlarging gutter chamber
-holding body heat
- meringankan body when flying
so, this air sac only have it's function when the birds are flying.. then, when the birds are settling, it use lung
to rimbi
BalasHapusaccording to me, asthma is caused by alergy and the lack of adrenalin hormone..
we already know that adrenalin hormone is used for keberanian... most wowen has no courage like man, so that, women is easy to get asthma
any comment ?
i still confuse about this >> in humans, the incoming air is filtered by the nose hairs, whereas in fish, filtered by the serrations gills, then how in the frog?
BalasHapusI'd like to ask
BalasHapuswhen the weather is so cold, our breathing is so hard, why do it can be ?
to dessy >> Asthma is a hereditary disease, if a father had asthma, then chances are her son had asthma, as well as a mother to her daughter
BalasHapusI think the questions and the discussion of asthma in women have deviated from the focused topic. please note!
for all >> Essentially, asthma is not only women but men are also often able. don't be confuse again :)
BalasHapusyeach I know..
BalasHapusastma is happen both in man and women,,,
and it's heritage from parents..
I just answer as far as I know about astma..
besides, it caused from genetic, it also caused ' sperti yang sudah saya jelaskan'
in the CPR procces,, when human get stuck of oxigen ( urgent condition), people who has ability to do CPR will ' melubangi ' daerah leher..
BalasHapuswhy do it placed in neck ?
Mom, n Friends.. How the system of bubbles in the pulmonary alveoli - pulmonary human progress?
BalasHapusi still confuse about asma...its only causes by genetic? is there other causes?
BalasHapusthank you...
Dyah Afiat M/A/2010
@RIMBI : I agree with oktavia answer, astma is a heredity disease and usualy astma downed from Parent or maybe grandfa or grandma to next generation. But usualy downed from father to daugther or from mother to her son.
BalasHapusFor my friends that still confuse or need some imagination about asthma can download this :
Hope this can help you... :)
Friends, i have a question too.
BalasHapusWhy our respiratory system can secrete mucus? And when it happened?
Yeah, i agree with Desy's and Putu's answer, asthma is happen both on women and men.
It caused by many of factor. Such as heritage from parents, food that we eat, tired factor, shock ("terkejut"), or maybe stress.
When asthma happen, the diameter of air passageway is little close, so that people must breath forcefully to get the oxigen.
For Icha :
BalasHapusActually, the simple explanation is the oxygen are diffuse through alveolus cell then diffuse again to blood cell, in blood cell the oxygen bind with hemoglobin in oxyhemoglobin molecule... (this my opinion, anyone can complete my opinion please :)
@ Oktavia : I think if father have astma, so will downed to daughter. Cause as far i know the " keturunan genetic bersifat menyilang"
BalasHapusBut maybe astma also caused of alergi. Usualy alergi " debu and dingin "
i will try to answer Desy's question The higher a person's body temperature then the sooner aka breathing frequency, this corresponds to penigkatan metabolic processes that occur in the body.and vice versa, if a person's body temperature is low, then the frequency of breathing is also getting weaker
BalasHapus@Putu: Actually, each organism has spesific organ which another one doesn't have. like nose hair in human which function is filtering the incoming air (exactly O2). in my opinion,. Amphibians has another name of organ which help them for filtering the incoming air, but im sorry i don't know the name and where the place exactly ^^
BalasHapusSame with Anjula question,, i still confuse about it and what the function of cilia ?
BalasHapus@Dyah Afiat: Asthma not only from genetic. My opinion from enviremment human live too.
BalasHapus@Annisa: Actually,. What do you mean in your question? would you like to make it clear? thanks ^^
BalasHapusthanks for hamim's link.. it;s very help us to know deeply about asthma. :)
BalasHapus@ ika:
BalasHapuscilia help to filter the inspired air so the dangerous matter can't enter the respiratory organs. cilia also act in secretion mechanism.
@Hamim: Thax for u're explanation. but i'm still confuse about process diffuse through alveolus cell then diffuse again to blood cell???
BalasHapushave related respirstory with frequensi of rate heart???
BalasHapushow about of "infeksi saluran nafas"?
I'll give addition to Hamim's opinion.
BalasHapusthe o2 and co2 can exchange by diffusion because there is gradient concentration between capillaries and alveoli.
mom and friend, i confused about why sometimes human sneeze many times on the morning but sometimes for 1 hours just like cold and it happend just in the morning/ in afternoon and night it doesn't. maybe somebody wanna help me to know
BalasHapusas far as i know, my doctor said that asthma caused in many factor. maybe heritage from parents, food that we eat, tired factor, shock ("terkejut"), or maybe stress. all of the factor are depend on the people that has asthma.
BalasHapusPeople that has asthma must know about the factor that caused her/his body got asthma, so he/she can prevent the asthma.
@Hikmah: u can understand. see comment Hamim to me. u can understand my question...
BalasHapuswhy when we breath fast and strong for some second we will feel dizzy? i ever do general check up in laboratory and they ask me to do that in a machine i don't know the name of the machine but i feel dizzy later
BalasHapusi agree with hamim's answer
BalasHapusi think so,,the oxygen passes through the thin walls of the alveoli to enter capillaries. Then in the cappilaries the oxygen will join with hemoglobin
@ mitha : not only on the morning we are sneeze but, the sneeze caused many factor
BalasHapusSneezing is the body's response by nasal membranes when it detects the presence of bacteria and excess fluid into the nose, so the body will automatically reject the bacterium.
Sneezing can also arise because of inflammation (rhinosinusitis), foreign bodies, viral infection, or allergic reactions. Allergic reaction arises because exposure to allergens.
Typical clinical symptoms is the presence of sneezing attacks are repeated, especially in the morning, or when there are contacts with a number of dust. Sneezing is actually normal mechanisms of the nose to rid itself of foreign objects, but if you sneeze is more than five times in a single attack can be expected then this is the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Other symptoms are out of snot (rinore) that dilute and more.
but as far as the normal sneeze, sneezing is good, because of the efforts antidote slah merupaka bacteria that will enter
friends,,i have a question.
BalasHapusin the nasa cavity, there are goblet cell (respiratory).
what is the function of the goblet cell?
please give me explanation about it?
To Mita Yudistira
BalasHapusWell Mita, I've had this condition in the morning. Even, I'm not in flu.Sneezing, also called sternutation, is your body's way of removing an irritation from your nose. When the inside of your nose gets a tickle, a message is sent to a special part of your brain called the sneeze center. The sneeze center then sends a message to all the muscles that have to work together to create the amazingly complicated process that we call the sneeze.
Ardiani Samti
@ karomah
BalasHapusthe infection of respiratory organ sometimes caused by bacteria and other microorganism that enter to the respiratory tract. the microorganism will disturb our respiratory system.
to dyah question: i think astma also can caused by constriction respiratory ducts maybe in faring and it insulted by spesific alergy can be by dust. i hope it can help
BalasHapusTo : Nur Lailatil Karomah
BalasHapusIn my opinion, I think breathing is also very dependent on the frequency of the pulse or heart rate produced in our bodies. let alone when we finished it ran very fast heartbeat or pulse we will beat very fast and a lot of breathing becomes very rapid and it is different when the normal time (not running) pulse generated is also normal, not fast and much as in during running and breathing was not too fast.
From : Rizki Armando Putra / Bio.OFF A 2010
thank you ardiani for your answer :)
BalasHapus@ putu
BalasHapusin my opinion the function of cilia on the respirator sistem is the cilia beat rhythmically in one direction only, in the, toward the mouth. Thus, the cilia move the debris and pathogen-laden mucus to the oral region, where it is expectorated or swallowed.
it is my opinion,, any one add my opinion????what do you think about that?
Dyah Afiat M / A / 2010
i want to answer tutut question :
BalasHapusGoblet cells secrete a protective lubricating mucous to help trap dust and bacteria so it can be transported by your mucosal linings via villi organelles in your sinuses outside your body.
Your goblet cells make mucus make about one quart of mucus per day.
-oktavia astiana_
@ tutut
BalasHapusthe goblet cell secret mucous.
the mucus can absorb the water soluble and harmful gasses from the air. the mucus which secretion by goblet cell and aid in the entrapment of particulate matter and bacteria. it also moistening the inspired air.
@Hamim, Septi, and Zani: what an excellent and complete answers are yours!! Good Job. Completely I agree,.
BalasHapus@Mitha: Actually,. I Haven't felt dizzy yet, when I do that like mitha. May be, mitha has suffered any disease which can influence your respiratory system ^^
To : Nur Lailatil Karomah
BalasHapusAbout respiration tract infection, In my opininon. Respiratory tract infection is an infectious disease involving the organs of the respiratory tract, nose, sinuses, pharynx, or larynx. The cause is a virus, bacteria and fungi. Most of the virus. Diagnosis is included in this state is, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis tosilitis.
From : Rizki Armando Putra / Bio.OFF A 2010
@ tutut :
BalasHapusGoblet cells (muscus secreting) are interspersed among the more numerous columnar ciliated cells. the function is Goblet cells are part of the epithelium lining of lungs and intestines of mammals. They secrete mucus that helps carry away body wastes. Goblet cells are also part of the epidermis of fish, giving fish scales a slippery coating of mucus.
From : Dyah Afiat M/ A/2010
to dyah :
BalasHapusI mean the process of filtering the air in the frog is not the air filtration process in general
please more attention
BalasHapusi get little information about goblet cell
Goblet cells are glandular simple columnar epithelial cells whose sole function is to secrete mucin, which dissolves in water to form mucus.
Goblet cells are found scattered among the epithelial lining of organs, such as the intestinal and respiratory tracts.They are found inside the trachea, bronchus, and larger bronchioles in respiratory tract, small intestines, the colon, and conjunctiva in the upper eyelid.
friend,, why the alveoly called air sacs??
BalasHapuswhat the function of cartilage ring in the tracheal muscle??
thank you for Oktavia and Septi.
BalasHapusit's clear to me now.
@ Mitha: my opinion sneeze cause:
BalasHapus1. The flow of incoming air will pass through the nasal mucous membrane-covered nose, when the mucous membrane is an exposure to irritant substances or allergens
2.Arise because of inflammation (rhinosinusitis), foreign bodies, viral infection, or allergic reactions
Reaction caused by Sneezing;
Symptoms of allergic reaction
1. Sneezing
2. Itchy nose
3. Cold dilute
4. Nasal congestion
Sneezing is actually useful to keep the nose clean, sneezing that occur over and over again is expected to help the cleanup effort in the nasal cavity.
thank u for ur answer anisa :)
BalasHapusto Tutut Indria
BalasHapusGoblet cells secrete a protective lubricating mucous to help trap dust and bacteria so it can be transported by your mucosal linings via villi organelles in your sinuses outside your body.
Your goblet cells make mucus about one quart of mucus per day.
my sister got infection in her larynx (laryngitis)
BalasHapuswe know that larynx is respiratory organs. but my the digestive system of my sister usually disturb because of it. when she eat something usually gag (muntah). why it happened??
friend... i have question , because i still confuse. on the pneumonia, "paru-paru basah" there are many "cairan dalam mparu-paru". from which the liquid is. and whether this could rise to lung cancer?
BalasHapusThank you friend..
Dyah Afiat / A / 2010
for septi second question: i just can help little. as far as i know hyalin cartilage form ring to prevent trachea constrict or "menyempit" during "inspirasi". sorry maybe it doesn't help much
BalasHapusto septy before your question have been ask with dyah about the function of cartilage ring in the tracheal muscle. and i have been answer that qustion before :))
BalasHapusis there any differences between microvili and cilia?? in my opinion the function is rather same in respiratory system.
BalasHapusit confusing me so,, please explain to me..
@ oktevia:
BalasHapusoh, sorry i haven't read your answer before.. :)
now, i have read it and it help me so..
thank you..
thank you,, a little information is very useful to increase our knowledge..
Friends.. I want to know your opinion:
BalasHapusSorry, if My question silly or funny. But, I really want to know the answer. You know "upil", why our nose can change the bad particle from the air becoming "upil".
Sorry, and Thank you
Ardiani Samti
To : Septi darlia putri
BalasHapusiN my opinion, Microvilli increase the surface area of the cell, usually for absorption. The cells lining the small intestine have microvilli for that purpose.
Cilia wave around to help move the external medium. Cilia lining the trachea do that to help move mucus up the trachea so dirt can be removed.
from : Rizki Armando Putra / BIO.OFFA 2010
TO : septi darlia putri
BalasHapusi want to add my opinion,
The structures of both cilia and microvilli differ a great deal, mostly in how they are anchored on certain parts of the cell. Non-motile cilia contain a basal body (a microtubule) that attaches the cilia to the cell body. Microvilli are constructed of a densely packed bundle of cross-linked actin filaments to provide the structural core. A myosin 1a protein and calmodulin attaches the microvillus to the plasma membrane.
The main difference is in the function and movement of the organelles. Cilia, though there are those that do not move throughout the cell body, do ‘wave’, essentially, to move the cell or to move material over the surface of the cell. Microvilli never move. The sole purposes of this organelle are to enhance the surface area of the cell and to increase the rate of diffusion of materials into the cell.
from : Rizki Armando Putra / Bio.Off A 2010
to septi...
BalasHapusi will try to answer your question
- Inside the chest cavity the windpipe divides into two branches, called the right and left bronchial tubes that enter the lungs. The large bronchial tubes branch into ever smaller tubes, called bronchioles. These in turn divide into even narrower tubes. Each small tube ends in clusters of thin-walled air sacs, called alveoli.
so alveoly called air sacs.
- The cartilage rings in the trachea prevent the trachea from collapsing during absence of air and also protect it.
these cartilagenous ring are C shaped and are meant for particular purposes such as they give support and strength to the trachea, they prevent from collapsing and breaking, also cartilage contain much collagen fibres which are stress resistant.
any other opinion my friends??
From : Dwi tika Ratna Sari Biologi A/A 2010
I'm sorry.. I still confuse about the dyah's answer for my question... why do metabolic process in body increasy when our temperature is incereas.. ???
BalasHapusto dyah
BalasHapuspneumonia caused by bacterial infection Diplococcus pneumonia. Occasionally, fluid gathered in the pleural space around the lung as a result of inflammation from pneumonia. This fluid is called a pleural effusion. If the amount of this fluid that develops is large enough, it can be removed by inserting a needle into the chest cavity and withdrawing fluid with a spray (syringe) in a procedure called a Thoracentesis. In some cases, fluid may become inflamed very severe (parapneumonic effusion) or infected (empyema) and may need to be removed with a procedure-rosedur more aggressive surgery.
I'm sorry my friend,, I'd like to 'ralat' my queestion.. that's npt CPR but I forgot the name,.. it's has initial 'c......'
BalasHapusFor Desy: In the low temperature, our body is under normal temperature. In this condition our body increase the body metabolism so we need more oxygen. Because of that our breath is hard.
BalasHapusFrom: Lindaawati P_Off A_Bio 2010
FOr Ardiani: I think upil is the dung that involved with the air while inspiration which vibrissae catch in the vestibule.
BalasHapusFrom: Lindawati P_OFf A_BIO 2010
Friends...i still confuse how the sequence of air flow in the nasal cavities??
BalasHapusi'm sory for late joining the discussion.
BalasHapusI was so interested and wonder in Ardiani's question...
let me try to answer^_^
Upil itself formed from the dirt that comes into the nostril through the breathing process. Dust and dirt that enter the nose will be filtered by the filter or nose hairs. Dirt that is not filtered will be captured by existing mucus in noose. Eventually it will harden and mucus formed upil.
Nose picking is an activity that is positive because it helps clear the nose of dirt. This of course makes a person could breathe better because nothing is blocking the airway.
i am sorry friends i am late to join this discussion.
BalasHapusfriends i want to ask about how the process of the binding of oxygen in the alveoli and the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide? thank you
i interest with linda's question as far as i know the sequence of arr flow in the nasal cavities is The airways are passages that carry oxygen-rich air to the lungs and carbon dioxide out of the lungs. The airways include the:
BalasHapus1. Nose and linked air passages called nasal cavities
2. Mouth
3. Larynx, or voice box
4. Trachea, or windpipe
5. Tubes called bronchial tubes or bronchi, and their branches, called bronchioles
Air first enters the body through the nose or mouth, which wets and warms the air. (Cold, dry air can irritate the lungs.) The air then travels through the larynx box and down the trachea. The trachea divides into two bronchi that enter the lungs.
To LInda:
BalasHapusRespiratory tract sequence is as follows:
nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchus, lung (bronkiol and alveoli).
Air from outside will enter through the nasal cavity (cavum Nasalis). Nasal mucous membrane-lined cavity, in which there are oil glands (sebaceous glands) and sweat glands (glands sudorifera). Mucous membrane function captures foreign substances that enter through the respiratory tract. In addition, there are also short and thick hair that serve to filter particles of dirt that goes along with the air. There is also a Konka which has many blood capillaries that serve to warm the incoming air. On the back of the nasal cavity is connected to the nasopharynx through the two holes called choanae.Then Air from the nasal cavity enter the pharynx
It is not a gud answer. Hope it solve Ur problem. ^_^
friend.. our discussion i think very help me to understand this matery, so i can study again.. and more diligent..
BalasHapusKeep our health, and keep our environment, so our respiratory always health..
Dyah Afiat M/2010.A
Thanks for Lina and Linda for your answer.
BalasHapusFor Lina and Ruly: I am sorry friend but i meant is the sequence of air flow only in the nasal cavity. We know that in the nasal cavity there are several distinct region, they are vestibule, respiratory area, limited olfactory zone, and paranasal sinuses, jadi apakah udara mengalir secara berturut-turut menurut urutan area yang saya sebutkan diatas atau bagaimana???????
BalasHapusto hikmah >> thank, but what is the name of frog's air filter organ ? and where its located ?
BalasHapusFRiends.....who colud help me to explain the histologycal structure in trachea in indonesian because i have a little difficulties to understand the material in the book, thanks...
BalasHapusI wanna give some information to putu and the others..
BalasHapusThe frog has three respiratory surfaces on its body that it uses to exchange gas with the surroundings: the skin, in the lungs and on the lining of the mouth.
While completely submerged all of the frog's repiration takes place through the skin. The skin is composed of thin membranous tissue that is quite permeable to water and contains a large network of blood vessels. The thin membranous skin is allows the respiratory gases to readily diffuse directly down their gradients between the blood vessels and the surroundings. When the frog is out of the water, mucus glands in the skin keep the frog moist, which helps absorb dissolved oxygen from the air.
A frog may also breathe much like a human, by taking air in through their nostrils and down into their lungs. The mechanism of taking air into the lungs is however sligthly different than in humans. Frogs do not have ribs nor a diaphragm, which in humans helps serve in expand the chest and thereby decreasing the pressure in the lungs allowing outside air to flow in.
In order to draw air into its mouth the frog lowers the floor of its mouth, which causes the throat to expand. Then the nostrils open allowing air to enter the enlarged mouth. The nostrils then close and the air in the mouth is forced into the lungs by contraction of the floor of the mouth. To elimate the carbon dioxide in the lungs the floor of the mouth moves down, drawing the air out of the lungs and into the mouth. Finally the nostrils are opened and the floor of the mouth moved up pushing the air out of the nostrils.
Frogs also have a respiratory surface on the lining of their mouth on which gas exchange takes place readily. While at rest, this process is their predominate form of breathing, only fills the lungs occasionally. This is because the lungs, which only adults have, are poorly developed.
maybe any suggestion guys..please give your opinion..
i wanna give some information to linda's question..
BalasHapusmenurt pmhaman saya..trakea jika dilihat dari pnmpang melintang, mka terdiri atas:
a. Mukosa, yang tersusun atas epitel bersilia berlapis semu yang bertumpu pada lamina basal. kemudian ada lapisan epitel silindris bersilia yang paling banyak, diikuti oleh sel-sel goblet.
diantaranya ada beberapa sel epitel silindris tak bersilia dengan mikrovili apikal.selanjutnya terdapat sel basal yang bertumpu pada lamina basal. Propia lamina memiliki limfosit yang terjebak dalam serat elastis dan retikular.
b. Submukosa, mengandung jaringan ikat longgar dan kecil kelenjar lendir dan campuran serosa yang menembus mukosa saluran untuk mencapai lumen.
c. Muskularis
d. Adventitia adalah lapisan yang paling luas. Selain jaringan ikat kolagen yang tebal, mengandung banyak cincin hialin tulang rawan berbetnuk C.
maybe the others friend will give explanation that more clearly.
thank you..
for: Linda
BalasHapusThe trachea is a flexible tube that extends from the larynx into the thorax. Its main function is to act as a conduit for air, but it also helps condition the inspired air. The trachea consists of four layers: a mucosa (epithelium and lamina propria), a submucosa, a fibrocartilage layer and an adventitia. These four layers are shown in Figure 1 (human trachea, slide 15 in your collection). Figure 1 is to show illustrate the overall structure of the trachea, you will see the details in other figures.
The mucosa consists of a pseudostratified, ciliated, columnar epithelium, (described below) with a very elastic lamina propria. Without special stains, the elastic fibres in the lamina propria (or anywhere else) are not identifiable. The basement membrane of the epithelium appears unusually thick because a large number of collagen fibres are found underneath the actual basement membrane.
The submucosa consists of loose connective tissue with numerous mixed (serous and mucous) glands. Ducts from these glands open toward the lumen. Particles get entrapped in the mucus which floats on the serous secretions. The beating of cilia of epithelial cells directs the secretions toward the oral cavity, where they can be swallowed or spat out. The boundary between the mucosa and the submucosa is not obvious. Special stains would reveal an abundance of elastic fibres at this boundary.
The fibrocartilage layer consists of a series (16-20) of C-shaped cartilage rings which prevent the trachea from collapsing. As is typical of cartilage, the rings are surrounded by a band of dense connective tissue called a perichondrium. The perichondrium merges with the submucosa and the adventitia (see below). At the back, the open ends of the C are joined by a band of smooth muscle called the trachealis muscle. Contraction of this muscle reduces the tracheal diameter and increases intrathoracic pressure during coughing. The area between the rings is occupied by fibroelastic connective tissue.
The adventitia is a layer of connective tissue that binds the trachea to adjacent structures in the neck and mediastinum. It contains the largest blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics
from: silfia anggraini_off A_2010
for: putu
BalasHapusas far i know,Frogs’ skin is exceptionally thin as well as vascular, and it is kept moist by the secretions of numerous microscopic mucous glands. These attributes make it an effective respiratory may be frog's air filter organ is skin of frog, cos as our nose that have mucus, skin of frog have it,so may be function of frog skin same with nose
from ; silfiah anggraini_off a
to rulyana
BalasHapusRespiratory system in outline consists of the lungs and composition
channel that connects the lungs with the others, namely the nose, pharynx,
base of the throat, throat, bronchus.
At first we breathe in air through the nasal cavity is then
through the pharynx and base of the throat and then continued to the throat. Throat
looks like a strong pipeline, located in front of the esophagus, through the neck
until it reaches the upper chest cavity. Throat wall is reinforced by
some cartilage rings in the back open. In the chest cavity,
namely throat throat forked right and left respectively
branch entering the right lung and left lung.
Both branches of the throat has branches such as the
tree. In the last twigs contained bubbles lungs
very small and very thin walls. Bubbles were only
can be seen with a microscope. Within the walls of blood flowing through
capillary vessels, making it easy exchange of gases from blood into
air bubbles contained in the lungs and vice versa. Blood was
take the oxygen (oxygen) and release carbon dioxide.
From the explanation of the above conclusions can be drawn: first,
The main function of the existence of our respiratory system is to give blood
oxygen gas that will be distributed throughout the body. Secondly, when we breathe
then we breathe is a gaseous oxygen (chemical symbol O 2) while the gas
gas called carbon dioxide that is released by its chemical symbol CO2
from ; silfiah anggraini_off a
for to all, i have a question, where come from blood that is closed by TbC patiet and why are we in top of mountain, we are difficult for breating?
BalasHapusfrom ; silfiah anggraini_off a
@ Ruly
BalasHapuslike the Hamim's and Septi's answer, as I know the air (O2) that breathed through alveolus by difussion. in the alveolus, there are many " gelembung2 alveolus" that their wall contain many of alveolar capillaries. further, O2 trough into capillaries and bound by hemoglobin that contained in the blood whereas CO2 out from blood by diffusion. further air exchange is occured. this diffusion occur because any different level gradient (concentration)of CO2 and O2 outer and inner alveolus.
I think so.....
friend I wanna ask, why someone who big in body or fat is faster feeling tired (napasnya menggak2) than normally body or thin aspecillay when run or far walking ??
BalasHapusthx be4...
I have question. what the differences betwen the ABDOMINAL BREATHING and CHEST BREATHING. Kemudian kapan keduanya terjadi dan bagaimana prosesnya trus apakah ada perbedaan fungsi antara keduanya.. Oya satu lagi, apakah organ-organ yang berperan terhadap kedua pernapasan tersebut juga berbeda banyak....? please help me...!!!!!!!
BalasHapus@ QADRIA
BalasHapusfat people need more energy than the thin one. because their hearth rate is greater so the need much 02 to make energy by cellular respiration in mitochondria.
run and walking also increase the energy need. the body make energy in quicker way though inspired more 02.
we know that heart rate influence by activity and body weight
To Ruli:
BalasHapusThe exchange beetwen O2 and CO2 in alveoli by diffusion.
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration area. Oxygen continuously diffuses from the air in the alveoli into the bloodstream and carbondioxide (CO2) continue to diffuse from the blood into the alveoli. Respiration air diffusion occurs between the alveoli with capillary membrane. The difference in pressure on the membrane area will affect the process of diffusion respiration. For example in the partial pressure (P) O2 in the alveoli of about 100 mmHg while the partial pressure of 60 mmHg in the pulmonary capillaries so that oxygen will diffuse into the blood. Unlike the case with CO2 to 45 mmHg capillary PCO2 in the alveoli of 40 mmHg while the CO2 will diffuse out of alveoli.
To Din Hadi
BalasHapuschest breathing
Chest breathing is breathing that involves the muscles between ribs bones. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows.
1. Phase of inspiration. This phase is the contraction of muscle between ribs bones so that the chest cavity enlarges, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance.
2. Expiratory phase. This phase is the phase relaxation of muscle between the ribs return to their original position followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity is rich in carbon dioxide out.
abdominal breathing
Abdominal breathing is breathing that involves the muscles of the diaphragm. The mechanism can be distinguished as follows.
1. Phase of inspiration. This phase is the contraction of diaphragm muscle so that the chest cavity enlarges, resulting in pressure within the chest cavity becomes smaller than the pressure outside so that oxygen-rich air outside entrance.
2. Expiratory phase. This phase is the phase of muscle relaxation or diaframa return to its original position followed by a decline in the ribs so that the chest cavity becomes smaller. As a result, the pressure inside the chest cavity becomes larger than the outside pressure, so air in the chest cavity is rich in carbon dioxide out.
And about the function is same beetwen both. The main function is inspiration and expiration.
^_^ hope it will help u...
to silfi :
BalasHapuswe're already discuss about why aour breating is geeting hard in the cool temperature.. in the mountain.. beside the temperature is cold, it supprot by the higher preasure of that place.. so, it will affect on our metabolism, we need more oxygen to stabilized our o2..
Friends.... are simple cuboidal and low cuboidal is the same??????????
BalasHapusTO LINA :
I think it's different. If that LOW CUBODIAL towards more performance, LOW CUBODIAL may set this section in an organ specific respiratory system, whether it be SIMPLE CUBODIAL or not.
jadi begini, kalau menurut saya, low cuboidal itu lebih spesifiknya ke fungsi, jadi low cuboidal ini mungkin menyusun organ-organ dimana kinerjanya tidak begitu extra dalam sistem respirasi. kalau simple cuboidal ini mungkin lebih mengarah ke histologinya yaitu jaringan yang menyusun itu simpel yaitu berupa jaringan epitel yang pipih selapis mungkin... dan asumsi saya kalau low cuboidal ini bisa berupa simple cuboidal ataupun bukan,, (INI MASIH ASUMSI SAYA, DAN BELUM JELAS KEBENARANNYA)
my friends....
BalasHapushelp me..
i still confuse to differences between secondary and tertiary bronchi???
please explain me in indonesia....
from : Dwi Tika Ratna Sari A/A 2010
to: dwi tika ratnasari
BalasHapussory friends i'm very late to join this discussion, i will try to answer tika's question,
trakea membelah menjadi 2 bronkus utama(primary bronchi) yang masuk ke dalam paru-paru pada hilus. setelah masuk paru-paru, bronkus primer berjalan ke bawah dan keluar, membentuk 3 bronkus (tertiary bronchi) pd paru-paru kanan dan 2 bronkus (secondary bronchi) pada paru-paru kiri, dan masing-masing mensuplai lobus paru-paru.
so i think the differences is only in the location.
from: Lutfi Rizkita_Bio 2010_A
to dwi tika
BalasHapusstruktur dari bronkus primer hampir sama dengan trakea, namun bila kita teruskan ke bagian respirasi, akan ditemukan struktur yang lebih sederhana pada epitel maupun lamina propria.
sedangka untuk bronkus sekunder disebut juga intrapulmonary bronchi. pada umumnya struktur histologisnya sama dengan primer bronkus. namun terdapat beberapa perbedaan antara lain cincin kartilago mengalami reduksi menjadi lempeng kartilago yang tidak tetap yang secara bertahap akan berkurang jumlah dan ukurannya sebagai akibat berkurangnya lumen bronkus , terdapat otot polos yang berkembang diantara lempeng kartilago dan mukosa, berkurangnya sel goblet, dan epitelium mereduksi menjadi silindris selapis dengan sedikit silia
thank you friends for your answer... for my qestion...
BalasHapuseveryone, can you help me?
BalasHapusi have a queston
A patient has suffered damage to the left phrenic nerve, resulting in
paralysis of the left side of the diaphragm but not the right. X rays
show that during inspiration, the right side of the diaphragm
descends as normal, but the left side rises. can u Explain me more about this unusual
motion of the left diaphragm?
For DWI TIKa: jadi begini, trachea bercabang menjadi dua yaitu bronkus. Bronkus kanan masuk ke paru-paru kanan dan bronkus kiri masuk ke paru-paru kiri. Bronkus bercabang lagi menjadi secondary bronchi. Untuk paru-paru kanan ada dua secondary bronchi dan untuk paru-paru kiri ada satu secondary bronhi. Kmudian masing-masing secondary bronchi di tiap-tiap paru-paru bercabang lagi menjadi tertiery bronchi. Di paru-paru kanan ada 10 tertiery bronchi dan di paru-paru kiri ada delapan tertiery bronchi. Tertiery bronchi ini mensupply tiap-tiap bronchopulmonary segments. Kalau menurut pemahamanku begitu mbak tika.....
BalasHapusfriends... I'd like to ask
BalasHapus1. what is irama fonasi and ligamentum vocale ? can you explain the function both of them ?
2. how can contraction of muscle 'disertai' with 'penyempitan' lumen of trachea ?
3. what is exactly lamina propria, and what is the function of it ?
rendra.. I'm Confuse about your question... >.<
BalasHapusI'll try to answer 3rd Desy question
BalasHapusThe lamina propria is a constituent of the moist linings known as mucous membranes or mucosa, which line various tubes in the body (such as the respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract, and the urogenital tract).
The lamina propria (more correctly lamina propria mucosæ) is a thin layer of loose connective tissue which lies beneath the epithelium and together with the epithelium constitutes the mucosa. As its Latin name indicates it is a characteristic component of the mucosa, "the mucosa's own special layer". Thus the term mucosa or mucous membrane always refers to the combination of the epithelium plus the lamina propria.
The lamina propria contains capillaries and a central lacteal (lymph vessel) in the small intestine, as well as lymphoid tissue. Lamina propria also contains glands with the ducts opening on to the mucosal epithelium, that secrete mucus and serous secretions.
Thank you so much friend, I'm clearly now
Mom, question number 2 I do not understand about the histological structure of the terminal bronchioles and respiratory bronchioles. Please explain in detail. Thank you. May be from my friends there are willing to help me?
BalasHapusMom, I was wrong yesterday to comment on the integument chapter, I make comments on the Index and Direct Download Links
Holifa Cahyo Ning Arif Off. a 2011
BalasHapusMy opinion about ur question.. the terminal bronchioles and respiratory bronchioles have a relation. Each of the terminal bronchioles divides to form respiratory bronchioles which contain a small number of alveoli..,
I think it,, but I don't its true or not... :)
By: Roy Befi Off A/2011
hehe thank you bevi... I will ask you again if I dont understand about this...
BalasHapusHolifa Cahyo Ning Arif off a 2012
oohh... ur welcome friend...
BalasHapussaling belajar...
Now, I will ask to all of my friends.. saat kita tersedak oleh sesuatu benda asing entah makanan atau debu saat kita bernafas, apakah ada bahaya tertentu pada sistem pernafasan kita??
Roy Befi/P.Bio Off A 2011
Iya bev, saya rasa akan terjadi bahaya pada saluran pernafasan kita. Karena tersedak terjadi akibat masuknya benda asing ke dalam saluran pernafasan kita. apabila kita makan sambil berbicara, klep yang menghubungkan tenggorokan dan kerongkongan mungkin saja terbuka dan akibatnya ada partikel makanan yang hampir masuk ke tenggorokan, dan sebagai reaksinya adalah tersedak. Kejadian tersebut tentunya bisa menyebabkan masalah pada sistem pernafasan kita.
HapusDwi Retno Pintarti Offering A / BIO 2011
BalasHapusOFF A/ BIO 2011
Mom, I have tired to download this file, because the loading is very long....
TO BEVI: sya rasa iya bef, di dalam tenggorokan kita ada 2 jalur, yang satu jalan masuknya makanan/minuman, dan yang satunya lagi jalan masuknya udara,. Kita tersedak itu disebabkan banyak hal, namun yang paling sering terjadi, kita makan sambil bicara yang merupakan kebiasaan buruk yang harus dihindari, mestinya makanan itu masuk ke jlan utama, namun ia meleset ke jalan udara sehingga menyebabkan kita tersedak. mengenai bahayanya saya pernah seperti itu, setelah "berobat ke dokter"bukna klinik TCM, heheh itu diagnosis dokter saya menderita radang tenggorokan
Anisa Nur Istiqomah
BalasHapusOFF A/BIO 2011
ada sakit "Paru-paruh basah" saya masih belum mengerti tentang sakit ini, apakah paru-paru kemasukan air? bagaimana bisa disebut paru-paru basah?
can you help me?
BalasHapusReply the question from Anisa
Nis, menurut artikel yang telah sya baca. Istilah paru2 basah sedikit menyimpang. sebenarnya Paru2 basah tersebut merupakan nama penyakit dari“Pleuritis Serosa” atau “Pleuritis Exudativa” yang tidak lain penyakit yang disebabkan oleh "tuberculosa".
Oiya teman2. Info yaa.... menurut artikel yg sya baca, dan sya setuju, bahwa istilah paru2 basah itu sedikit mengalami "salah terjemahan". Memang paru2 qt itu basah, karena sesuai dengan fungsinya, paru2 berfungsi sbg tempat pertukaran o2 dan co2 oleh Hemoglobin yang berada dalam sel2 darah merah. Oleh karena itu wajar kalo paru2 selalu basah (dibasahi oleh darah)
mom i dont understand with the difference of secondary and primary bronchi
BalasHapusHow should we keep our respiratory system so it can be always healthy?
Dwi Retno Pintarti Off A/ PBio 2011
dwi,, i think that we can keep our respiratory system always healthy with our food(high nutrition), body (with sport), and also always breath with no pulluted air. but, the last is imposible because our world is full of pollution, so we can keep with nutrition and healthy body. with high nutrition food such as vit. C as antioxidant.
Hapusdwi,, i think that we can keep our
respiratory system always healthy with our food(high nutrition), body (with sport), and also always breath with no pulluted air. but, the last is imposible because our world is full of pollution, so we can keep with nutrition and healthy body. with high nutrition food such as vit. C as antioxidant.
Dwi Retno Pintarti Off A/ PBio 2011
BalasHapusTo Anisa Nur
Guru saya saat SMA pernah mengatakan bahwa tidak pernah ada penyakit paru-paru basah. Biaasanya orang-orang mengaitkan antara telapak tangan yang selalu basah dengan penyakit paru-paru basah. sebenarnya hal itu adalah tidak benar. Berkeringatnya tangan itu berhubungan dengan sistem ekskresi dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan paru-paru basah. Jadi sebenarnya penyakit paru-paru basah itu tidak ada.
To: All of my friends...
BalasHapusthanks... your answer.. :)
Qurrotul A'yun off A Pend Bio 2011
BalasHapusI want to ask to All my friends about frog respiratory, how changes in the baby frogs gills to lungs in adult frogs?
BalasHapusto: Qurrotul A'yun
Baby amphibians, called larvae, don't resemble the adults at all. As they mature, they go through major changes, called a metamorphosis. Adult amphibians usually live on land, never straying far from the water and returning to it when it's time to breed. Frogs and toads, for example, emerge from their eggs as tadpoles (sometimes called polliwogs), little creatures with a rounded head and a tail. They have gills for breathing in water and cannot survive on land. Over time, the gills become air-breathing lungs, the tail disappears, and limbs develop. Adult frogs and toads may spend a good amount of time in and around water, but they need air in order to breath.
i think, the gills become lungs also happened because of metamophosis procces. The development of the lungs or disappearance of the gills making the front legs visible.
Gresia Lukluk/A/PBIO 2011
BalasHapusto Dwi Retno
I just dont understand, we all have know that disease about 'paru-paru basah' that already exists in society. then why would you say that the wet lung disease did not exist. if it is wet lung disease was not there, and then developed in the community by the name of 'paru-paru basah' is?
ikhda ria andini
NIS tapi yang saya baca seperti ini
Dewi (2012) memaparkan sebagai berikut.
"Penyakit Paru-paru basah adalah suatu peradangan yang terjadi pada paru-paru, biasanya akibat kontaminasi. Tiga penyebab umum penyakit paru-paru basah adalah bakteri, virus dan jamur. Anda juga bisa terkena penyakit paru-paru basah secara tidak sengaja dengan menghirup cairan atau bahan kimia.
Jika Anda memiliki penyakit paru-paru basah, Anda bisa mengalami kesulitan bernapas, mungkin juga akan mengalami batuk dan demam. Pemeriksaan fisik dan riwayat sakit mungkin membantu menentukan apakah Anda telah terkena penyakit paru-paru basah. Rontgen dada dan tes darah mungkin membantu mengetahui apa ada kelainan. Pengobatan tergantung pada apa yang membuat Anda sakit. Jika penyebabnya adalah bakteri, mungkin antibiotik dapat membantu."
daftar rujukan
Dewi,D.M.Y. 2012. Penyebab penyakit paru-paru basah. (online), (
Tadpole With Legs
Metamorphosis begins when a tadpole starts to develop legs. Once this process begins, tadpoles can no longer consume food and must rely on stored energy. Throughout metamorphosis, hormones regulate a number of changes in the tadpole. The gills disappear and are replaced by lungs; during this process tadpoles develop the ability to breathe through their skin. Simultaneously, the tadpole's arms start to develop. The tadpole's digestive system also changes, which will allow it to consume a carnivorous diet once it becomes an adult frog; as part of this change, a tadpole's mouth elongates, its tongue lengthens and it grows a jawbone. The final part of metamorphosis occurs when the tadpole's tail grows into its body.
Once metamorphosis is complete, a tadpole is considered a froglet. Froglets look like miniature versions of adult frogs with small, stubby tails. Once tadpoles have become froglets, they can start eating insects along with plants. Froglets must remain in the water until they become full-grown frogs.
Once frogs are fully grown, they leave the water and are able to survive on land. Full-grown frogs have powerful legs for jumping. They are also able to camouflage themselves by changing color to blend in with their surroundings. Despite the large prevalence of frogs in certain regions, many species have become endangered; 32 species of frogs have now become extinct.
Change in the moment tadpole
ikhda ria andini
if the wind sits disease is a disease that attacks the lungs?
and what is the criteria of the wind sits disease can sometimes cause people to die, and in the lungs is attacking what?
Esti Novianti off A-2011
BalasHapusfriends can you help me ??
Why the epithelium of trachea is pseudostratlfled? apakah berkaitan dengan fungsinya sebagai respirasi ?
and the next question mukus salah satu fungsinya untuk melembabkan, hal apa yang terkandung dalam mukus sehingga dapat demikian ? terimakasih :)
HapusBIO/OFF A'11
esti, i'll try answer your question about mucus
according the artikel that i have read. Mucus is made of water, enzymes, sugars, proteins, antibodies, and salt. The nature of the sticky (lengket) mucus from the mucin, which is a polysaccharide molecule. so the texture of mucus are so sticky so it can make our nose always moist and can catch the foreign object :) :)
I'll try to answer the question from Andini
I think the "angin duduk"disease isn't attack in our lungs, but it attack our heart. it happen because in our heart less the O2 it coz in our heart there is constriction of blood vessels (penyempitan pembuluh darah). the man who take this disease ussually felt pain in the left chest.
So the way to avoid this disease are
1. You can get the sport
2.Don't be stress
3.Take the control to your blood pressure,blood sugar etc
Alfian oktavijayanti
BalasHapusPBIO 2011 110341421527 off a
Yes I agree with you vivi about "paru-paru basah". Yang saya pernah dengar itu karena kalu malam tidur pake kipas angin dan sering tidur di lantai tanpa alas..Tapi masih blm tahu itu benar atau mitos.
Kemudian saya ingin meminta pendapat teman-teman, tentang perokok, kira0kira struktur histologi apa yang rusak?dan bagaimana penyembuhannya selain berhenti merokok total?
Alfian Oktavijayanti
BalasHapusPBIO OFF A 2011
Pada saat praktikum zoologi vertebrata kemarin saat katak dibedah paru menggembung bagaikan kantong yang ditiup. Apakah jika tidak ada tulang rusuk yang melindunginya saat inspirasi paru-paru akan pecah?
Enggar Agustina/P.BIO OFF A 2011/110341421520
BalasHapusSaya akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan dari Alfian menurut saya bisa saja paru-paru itu akan pecah pada saat inspirasi jika tidak memiliki tulang rusuk. Karena fungsi tulang rusuk sendiri adalah untuk melindungi paru-paru.
to Alfian
BalasHapussaya ingin berpendapat tentang pertanyaanmu tentang rokok. menurut info yang saya dapat. Merokok bisa mengakibatkan pada perubahan struktur dan cara kerja saluran pernapasan dan juga pada jaringan paru-paru. Pada saluran pernapasan yang besar, sel mukosa akan membesar (hipertrofi) dan juga akan mempertambah banyaknya kelenjar mucus (hiperplasia). Sedangkan pada saluran pernapasan yang kecil akan terjadi radang yang ringan hingga penyempitan yang disebabkan oleh bertambahnya sel-sel dan penumpukan lendir. Sedangkan pada jaringan paru-paru akan terjadi peningkatan jumlah sel radang dan juga akan terjadi kerusakan alveoli.
Akibat dari perubahan anatomi saluran pernapasan pada perokok aktif akan timbul perubahan pada cara kerja paru-paru dengan segala macam gejala-gejala klinisnya. Hal ini merupakan menjadi dasar utama penyebab terjadinya Penyakit Obstruksi Paru-paru Menahun (PPOM). Merokok merupakan penyebab utama timbulnya penyakit ini, termasuk juga penyebab utama penyakit emfisema paru-paru, bronkitis kronis, dan asma.
truz mengenai pencegahannya, memang cara utama untuk seseorang mengurangi risiko terkena kanker paru adalah berhenti merokok.
seperti artikel yang saya baca..Program berhenti merokok. Untuk bukan perokok, cara ini sepertinya hal yang mudah tapi tidak untuk perokok. Bagaimanapun banyak perokok yang telah mencoba berhenti merokok dan mengatakan usaha untuk berhenti merokok adalah hal luar biasa sulit. Kecanduan nikotin pada perokok dapt disamakan dengan sakau pada pengguna heroin, bahkan boleh jadi kadang kadang lebih keras lagi. Ini barangkali catatan kenapa banyak sekali perokok berusaha untuk berhenti namun gagal. Seseorang perokok yang telah berhasil berhenti 10 tahun lamanya berarti telah dapat menurunkan risiko 30 -50 persen untuk terkena kanker paru.
Faktor utama keberhasilan untuk program berhenti merokok adalah niat dan diikuti dengan bantuan lingkungan sekitarnya agar usaha itu berhasil dengan sukses.
Usaha pencegahan kanker yang lain dikenal dengan istilah kemopreventif (Chemoprevention). Kemopreventif adalah penggunaan bahan alami, metode diet tertentu dan zat kimia sintetis untuk mencegah perkembangan penyakit. Misalnya vitamin, diet, dan terapi hormone. Banyak cara dan bahan yang sedang diuji cobakan dengan tujuan bukan hanya mengurangi resiko kanker, tetapi juga untuk mengurangi kesempatan akan berulangnya kanker (relapps).
Hasilnya uji coba kemopreventif masih belum telralu mengembirakan berbeda denngan program berhenti merokok yang secara nyata telah menurunkan jumlah penderita kanker paru laki laki di Amerika karena meningkatnya jumlah orang yang berhenti merokok.
Titis Henykartikasari/bio A 2011/110341421518