mam,, and all of my freiend.. i want to ask about mechanism of cyrculatory sistem.. based on the histologic structure, whether the mechanism of the circulatory system in baby and adults differ?
I want to ask about, what the blood coagulation process of animals and humans are same? describe histologically these processes in animals and humans if there is diferencess, becaus i still confuse :)
Fetal blood circulation in the uterus is not the same as the circulation of blood in infants and children or adult.
the process/mechanism is: 1. Blood flow from the placenta to the fetus via the umbilical vein contained in the umbilical cord. The amount of blood that flows through the umbilical cord around 125 ml / kg / Bb per minute or about 500 ml per minute. 2. Through the umbilical vein and ductus venosus, blood flows into the inferior vena cafa, mixed with the blood returning from the lower body, and blood enters the right atrium where the blood flow from the inferior vena cafa passing through the foramen ovale into the left atrium, then into the ventricles left through the arch of the aorta, the blood then flows through the body. 3. The blood containing carbon dioxide from the upper body, entered the right ventricle through the superior vena cafa. Then through the pulmonary artery of the left ventricle into the aorta right, through the ductus arteriosus. 4. This blood is returned to the placenta through the aorta, internal iliac artery and umbilical artery to hold the next gas exchange. Foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus serves as a channel / shortcut that allows most of which had combined cardiac output back to the placenta without going through the lungs.
I think, the histological structure of humans and animals are the same. animal is mean in higher animals / vertebrates. whereas in lower animals such as invertebrates, have a little difference, there are the diffusion system and open circulatory system. Circulatory system in animals can be divided into three, namely: 1. Diffusion system: occurs at lower invertebrates such as Paramecium, amoeba and hydra not have a circulatory system of the heart with the line that is the way to the circulation of food. Food is generally circulated throughout the body due to the flow of protoplasm.
2. Open circulatory system: if the circulation of his blood is not always in the vessels. For example: Arthropods
3. Closed circulatory system: if the circulation of his blood is always in the vessels. For example: Annelida, Mollusca, Vertebrata.
addition for blood clots (pembekuan) : I think for blood clots in humans and higher animals are the same. because of the histological structure is similar. that is, after experiencing injury, platelets containing bits of blood will form blood fibrin and quickly will freeze (membekukan) the blood that around the wound.
friend i'm not understand yet about some matter in our book. first page 221 about fibrous valves guard where is the location of pulmonary semilunar and aortic semilunar? in the book it didn't mention. second: in sinusoid the endothelium incomplete . what is the meaning of "incomplete" here? third: in venules there is an incomplete layer of pericytes. what's the meaning of incomplete here? in the book i read there is sentence say that "in adult eritrocyt there is no nucleus" . is that mean that in young eritrocyt there is a nucleus? if yes how it can disapear whean it become adult. if there is no nucleus in adult eritrocyt how the process of cell activity regulate? help me please
i try to answer the second question from oktavia As far i know,, The walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria because of the functions that they have. The atria only pump the blood into the lower chambers, the ventricles.Whereas the ventricle are responsible for pumping blood to various parts of the body (Right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and the left ventricle pumps blood throughout the entire body). So the ventricles require much greater pressure than the pressure generated by the atria to fill the ventricles.
Assalaamu'alaikum,. I need your information what the histological structure of internal elastic lamina in arteri, and what's the function of this part? thanks ^^
to ndzani , so you mean that the wall of ventricles more thick than atria because of their function . and how about their component that arrange of atria and ventricles ? what the component not influence to the shape of ventricle and atria ??? (apakah penyusun dari ventrikel dan atria tidak menjadi pengaruh yg menyebabkan dinding ventricle lebih tebal dari pada atrium) ?? :)
to : ika ratnasari Arteries carry blood away from the heart. They are classified into three types according to their size: large or elastic arteries; medium (or muscular or distributive) arteries; and small arteries or arterioles, which are less than 0.5 mm in diameter. so , the elastic artery are each type of Arteries carry elastic artery, The aorta and its branches (brachiocephalic, subclavian, pulmonary, beginning of common carotid and iliac) are distinguished by their great elasticity. This helps them smooth out the large fluctuations in blood pressure created by the heartbeat. During systole, their elastic laminae are stretched and reduce blood pressure. During diastole, the elastic rebound helps maintain arterial pressure.
to anisa khumaira : The vasa vasorum are found in large arteries and veins such as the aorta and its branches. Studies conducted with 3-dimensional microcomputed tomography (3D Micro-CT) on porcine and human arteries from different vascular beds have shown that there are three different types of vasa vasorum:
vasa vasorum internae, that originate directly from the main lumen of the artery and then branch into the vessel wall. vasa vasorum externae, that originate from branches of the main artery and then dive back into the vessel wall of the main artery. venous vasa vasorae, that originate within the vessel wall of the artery but then drain into the main lumen or branches of concomitant vein The structure of the vasa vasorum varies with the size, function and location of the vessels. Cells need to be within a few cell-widths of a capillary to stay alive. In the largest vessels, the vasa vasorum penetrates the outer (tunica adventitia) layer and middle (tunica media) layer almost to the inner (tunica intima) layer. In smaller vessels it penetrates only the outer layer. In the smallest vessels, the vessels' own circulation nourishes the walls directly and they have no vasa vasorum at all. and for elasctic artery have been answer by me in ika's question :)
Hi guys, how are you today? i hope you in good condition today, does not like me. ok, according too book which had read by me,on vestibular Regio, there tunica mucosa containing pigment, coated with a corpus epithelium squomus papillare complex, contains a lot of hair that is useful to filter the air. Under the epithelium there is a lamina propria with serous glands, underneath there is a sub-mucosa that is rich in vasa and Nervi. In Nares anteriores turned into the outer skin. In the horse contains hair, sebaceous glands and tubular glands. I wanna ask, whether the structure is the same for all types of vertebrates that have no hair? If no, explain. thank you.
ro hikmah maulidiyah In arteries a continuous layer of elastic tissue, called the internal elastic lamina, forms the boundary between the media and the intima.The outermost part of the intima is defined by a very prominent internal elastic membrane (not obscured by elastic lamellae as in large arteries). The basement membrane of the endothelium may rest directly on the internal elastic membrane, or be separated by a subendothelial layer of CT. The tunica intima increases in thickness with age, and may also become expanded by lipid deposits. :) about the funnction maybe from other friend can be added my answer :)
to oktavia : I get little information Beside this function,,differences in thickness of the heart chamber (atria and ventricle) walls are due to variations in the amount of myocardium present, which reflects the amount of force each chamber is required to generate. The left ventricle is the largest and strongest chamber. The left ventricle's chamber walls are only about a half-inch thick, but they have enough force to push blood through the aortic valve and into the body. So because the amount of myocardium present, so that there is differences thickness wall between atria and ventricle.
to ika ratnasari : elastic artery same with large artery Large artery called the artery wall is elastic because the Relatively thin as compared with the wide lumens. Large arteries have walls with many layers of elastin berfenestra (bertingkap) in the tunica media. The walls appear yellow in a fresh condition due banyanya elastin.
to octavia : i want to answer about differences abou the wall on the ventricles and atria The walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria because of the functions. ventricles have function to pump the blood to our body.
to dianing : according o the topic is circulatory system, i think your question not relation to the topic discussion :) i confuse with your question :))
to ika ratnasari An elastic artery (or large elastic artery or conducting artery) is an artery with a large number of collagen and elastin filaments in the tunica media, which gives it the ability to stretch in response to each pulse. This elasticity also gives rise to the Windkessel effect, which helps to maintain a relatively constant pressure in the arteries despite the pulsating nature of the blood flow. Elastic arteries include the largest arteries in the body, those closest to the heart. They give rise to medium-sized vessels known as distributing arteries (or muscular arteries). The pulmonary arteries, the aorta, and its branches together comprise the body's system of elastic arteries.
dyah : thanks for your answer :) how about the component of it ? what the component of it influence of The walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria ?
I've heard about a disease that attacks the veins are varicose veins? how did it happen? why can make marks that look like veins on the surface of the skin? Then how the histological structure of the vessel while it is disturbed? Please give me information about that my friends, thanks a lot..
I'll try to answer questions from oktavia: what the component of it influence of the walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria ? because the walls of the ventricles are thicker and more muscular than those of the atria.
I'm sorry because late in join in this discussion. I'll give a little information of Dika's 1st question. So far I know the circulatory system in adult and baby have little differences. 1.In baby erytrocyte produce in liver, while in adult eritrocyte produce in bone marrow and degenerate in liver. 2. the amount of hematocyte value in baby and adult are different. hematocyte value is the coparation value of eritrocyte and plasma.
Waalaikumsalam, Lutfi !! For Bonny, Did you mean Varises ?
Varises may happen because of the widening of veins. Actually the function of veins is transporting the metabolism residu (sisa) from all of our body tissues to Heart again (kembali lagi ke jantung). Varises caused by the decreased elasticity of the walls of veins.The flow of blood from the legs to the heart is fighting gravity, because it must be strong blood vessels, as well as the dynamics surrounding muscles. * Damage to the vein valves, while valves or valve assigned to hold the blood that flows to the heart so as not to get out again. Damaged valves keep the blood gathered inside and causing clots that interrupt blood flow.
I also found this matter in the last of the handout there is sentence the function of lymph nodes is "sites of production antibodies (by plasma cells)" but there is also mentioned that "Cancer cells can be the most problematic and can actually use lymph nodes as a site to metastasize" could you tell me about this friends,? thanks :)) further."
A lymph node is an organized collection of lymphoid tissue, through which the lymph passes on its way to returning to the blood. Lymph nodes are located at intervals along the lymphatic system. Several afferent lymph vessels bring in lymph, which percolates through the substance of the lymph node, and is drained out by an efferent lymph vessel.
The second question from me, I've heard if the size of blood vessels in our body there is a large and small, and how the relationship or influence by the circulatory system? give me information again, friends..
@Devi Nur Oktaviandari: I got it from the handout, there are mentioned the function of lymphatic circulatory system. hopefully it can help u: Function • to transport protein from intercellular fluid that cannot absorbed by blood capillaries and make return it into the circulatory system • to transport fat from the alimentary canal into the circulatory system • added the lymphocytes and the other immunity factors into the circulatory system
I think from this explanation we may say that lymphatic circulatory system is the secondary route for intracellular fluid to return to the heart.
to hikmah Lymph nodes are particularly numerous in the mediastinum in the chest, neck, pelvis, axilla (armpit), inguinal (groin) region, and in association with the blood vessels of the intestines.
To bonny 1. in the small circulatory system the blood flow from hearth to lung then entered the blood again 2. the large circulatory system the blood flow from hearth to lung then transport to the body entered the blood again the difference is that the large one transport through the body.
to ardiani I think the histological structure is not different. but the size and the formation are different. (in varises the vein is fold)
Devi Nur Octaviandari oFF A 2010 thankz for the explanation from septi.. and 1 have second question. I've read that the circulatory system has the function of bringing nutrients and oxygen to cells and also involved in the defense. What kind of existing defense role in the circulatory system.
I want to ask about blood vessel blockage. what are the factors that influence blockage of blood vessels?n please explain me more, how the process of it and how the histologic structure of blood vessel blockage?
Circulatory system consists of blood and blood circulation devices. One of the components of blood are leukocytes. As we know, leukocytes are part of the immune system which comprises the lymphatic system and immune system.
For example in the lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels and limfoid organs.Lymph fluid is flowing in all body tissues, but not always flow in the vessel. Lymph fluid containing white blood cells, fibrinogen, and platelets are the three functions in the process of blood clotting and prevent infection.
according to me,, if the blood vessel is blocked by strange subtance, it has limited space for our circulation. and it will be dangerous if it's not treat..
to devi I'd like to complete dwi's answer.. I agree that leukocytes have responsibility for leukocytes, the component that has more responsibility for defence is limfosit. limfosit produce antibody to defence virus in our body. it also produce antigen so our imune can recognized kind of disease that have already happen in our body
to bonny I think your question in focused in size of blood vessel, not about small circulatory and large circulatory
I'll to answer, according to me.. small blood vessel is just like capilary, it's placed almost in hole body to transport blood into through small pore,,
but large blood vessel is just like arteria and vena, they has responsibility to transport blood to all body so it need more size so it can bring a lot of blood..
vein in varises is folded dan getting wider. Stretching of blood vessels is due to the amount of pressure on it which resulted in blood vessel walls become weak and thus easily stretched.
I wanna to answer of Desy's Question, I think based on the understanding that I got,,, twitch in the presence of part or causes the lining of blood vessel such as cramping or cell-cell and its constituent tissues stretch or the situation is not as usual, resulting in a twitch. so far, but I'll look back a more detailed explanation
whether the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets may play an important role in the body? and if any one of these three kinds of blood cells that have a shortage or excess in the body, how are the consequences?
I think the red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes) all have different and very important role in the human body, especially the circulatory system. such as red blood cells (erythrocytes) and determine the role of oxygen circulating in human blood, white blood cells (WBCs) contribute to destroy the objects which are considered alien and harmful by the body, such as viruses or bacteria, blood platelets (thrombocytes) play a role in the process blood clotting.
I also would add an answer about your next question, about how if the body of a person experiencing lack or excess of the three kinds of blood cells is, in my opinion if this happens then the person experiencing it means suffering from a disease or disorder such as if the lack of red blood cells ( erythrocytes) it will suffer from anemia, when the excess or increased white blood cells (leukocytes) in excess it will be developed leukemia, and if the platelets do not perform the role properly then it will have hemophilia. core or the conclusion is that if someone has a deficiency or excess of the three types of cells then serve targeted circulation system can not run as it should in people with normal or abnormal in the circulatory system.
OoooOOO ........ thank you for your explanation Rizki. So how histological structure of the three kinds of blood cells? how is its shape, its features and its location may be on our bodies? so that when we do practice of circulation system is able to draw well. your explanation please?...
To my Histology Students I'm very glad because of your good activities in ask, answer and giving opinion about this matter. But I hope you will more discuss about histological structure of the organs composing the circulatory system as the main topic. Please read and discuss again about the function and location of vasa vasorum, and about the structure and it relation to the function of elastic artery. Thank you and good luck. *Bu Amy*
@ Hikmah I'm so sorry if my explanation isn't clear yet. I think the lymph node easily attach by cancer cell because it location I have mentioned. and the function of lymph node is to filter all of pathogenic substance. lymph must pass the lymph node before enter the body. may be some of lymph circulation bring the cancer cell and it filter by lymph node and stay there to metasize.
May be about function and location of vasa vasorum, The structure of the vasa vasorum varies with the size, function and location of the vessels. Cells need to be within a few cell-widths of a capillary to stay alive. In the largest vessels, the vasa vasorum penetrates the outer (tunica adventitia) layer and middle (tunica media) layer almost to the inner (tunica intima) layer. In smaller vessels it penetrates only the outer layer. In the smallest vessels, the vessels' own circulation nourishes the walls directly and they have no vasa vasorum at all.
And about relation the vasa vasaroum to the function of elastic artery, I'm still confuse but, in my opinion there is related about The walls of these large arteries (elastic arteris) are so thick that their peripheral parts cannot derive enough oxygen and nutrients from the blood of the vessel that they form. Larger vessels are therefore accompanied by smaller blood vessels which supply the tunica adventitia and, in the largest vessels, the outer part of the tunica media of the vessel wall. The vessels are called vasa vasorum. In macroscopic preparations vasa vasorum are visible as fine dark lines on the surface of the larger arteries.
vasa vasorum is in the tunica adventitia. on larger vessels, vasa vasorum in the tunica adventitia extensive branching. vasa vasorum provide metabolites for the adventitia and tunica media of the vessels, because the lining is too large to be given food by the diffusion of blood flow. in arteries, vasa vasorum are more rare and only reached the tunica adventitia, whereas in the vein, more numerousnd and reaches the tunica media.
Good morning... Friend I still confuse the question no.10 Why should the lymph must be passed to the heart? Do they have different streaming? Thanks a lot
good night friends,,, now i want to try answer the question from my sister Imah... from some literature that have i read, we can conclude that Lymphoma is a cancer (malignant) of the lymphatic system (lymph nodes). The lymphatic system brings a special type of white blood cells called lymphocytes through a network of tubular channels (lymph vessels) to all body tissues, including bone marrow.
The spread of this network is a collection of lymphocytes in lymph nodes called lymph nodes. Malignant lymphocytes (lymphoma cells) can be unified into a single lymph node or can spread throughout the body, even in almost all organs.
Two main types of lymphoma are Hodgkin's Lymphoma (more often called Hodgkin's Disease) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Burkitt's lymphoma and mycosis fungoides belongs to the type of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
Hodgkin disease (Hodgkin's lymphoma) is a type of lymphoma is distinguished by certain types of cancer cells called Reed-Stenberg cells, which have a distinctive appearance under the microscope. Tues Reed-Sternberg had a malignant lymphocytosis of greater than one cell nucleus. The cells can be seen in biopsies taken from lymph node tissue, which is then examined under a microscope.
Hodgkin's disease is classified into four groups based on the basic characteristics of a network that looks under the microscope
i want to try answer the sari's question... i agree with rizki opinion. i think the erytrocyte, leucosit and trombocite is feri importen for our body and they have specific function. if there are abnormality to them it can create a disease. likes leukimia and haemofilia.
The vasa vasorum is needed to supply large arteries and veins because of their size. In order to effectively receive oxygen from the bloodstream, cells must be very close to a blood vessel or capillary so the oxygen can pass into each individual cell. Most blood vessels and veins absorb oxygen from the blood flowing inside them. However, because the large veins and arteries are by necessity so thick, their outer and middle cell layers cannot be adequately nourished without this additional network of blood vessels to support them by providing oxygenated blood and carrying away deoxygenated blood.
Frinds, I need your help to answer may questions, I still confuse with this: Is skeletal muscle can also assist heart to pump the blood to circulate in our body? (please look at telford, 1995:219 on the top paragrahp 1) What does it mean of cardiac skeleton? (telford, 1995:219 on myocardium section paragraph 3)
hay,,guys..maybe it's to late to join this discussion,,, but i have some problem to understanding about the location of vasa vasorum. does vasa vasorum exist just in the large veins and arteries? how about the other kind of arteries or veins? does it have vasa vasorum too?
ouh,,i'm forget..i have the other question. it is about leukocytes. how is the histological structure of each kind of leukocytes?? leukocytes are classified into two main classes on the basis of the type of cytoplasmic granules and the morphology of the nucleus. is there any characteristic that can distinguish the kinds of leukocytes?
As far As I know. Vasa Vasorum only exist on large blood vessel or in medium size of blood vessel(medium arteries or veins). but in medium size of blood vessel only have small number of vasa vasorum.
I also confuse about vas vasorum, in my answer for excercise D i choose artery for the most having vasa vasorum.... and as far as know after i read the book the vasa vasorum only act as nourish vessel. is it true or wrong? may be i just need read more... ^_^
I think yes, but it is specific for certain part. like the heart that the wall has three layers, also for each artery like large artery, medium artery, and aorta, each of them has certain layer. read the book, ok? hehehe...
I wanna try to answer Lina's question: Hopefully it could help you For lymph capillary: Lymph capillary, is vessel that coated by endothel, usually the endothel diameter is larger than the blood vessel. Lymph capillary usually without lamina basalis.We can find lymph capillary on collagen connective tissue (jaringan ikat kolagen). For lymph node: Lymph node is a lymphoid organ containing many lumph nodules, sinuses, etc. It acts as a filter for lymph and producer of lymphocytes. Lymph node is wrapped/coated by dense connective tissue, irregular and have capsule shape. Lymph node contain collagen fiber, reticular and elastic fiber. For lymph vessel: lymph vessels (or lymphatic vessels) are thin walled, valve structures that carry lymph.
all of friend.. may be i know about the answer of excercise D number 10 : especially for ardiani samti : Nodes in the flow is carrying fat, if fat is through the vessels of, causing accumulation of fat in the blood vessels so that blood vessels narrowed, and will cause disease. Therefore, the nodes have a special channel.
to ardiani i will answer ardiani's question about why the lymph must be passed through the lymph nodes as far i know,,Lymph nodes are found all through the body, and act as filters or traps for foreign particles. They are important in the proper functioning of the immune system. They are packed tightly with the white blood cells called lymphocytes and macrophages. So lymph nodes as an immunologic filter, through which the lymph is cleaned of bacteria and foreign particles before returning to the lymph circulatory system.
The passages to the heart, the lymph must be passed through the lymph nodes because it lies in the lymphatic tract (lymph vessel) from the organs to the hearth. It is interposed along the course of lymphatic vessel. The lymph enter lymph node through the afferent lymph vessels, and pass away through the efferent lymph vessel at the hilum of the node. The important function of limph node are • filtration of lymph from microorganisms and their toxins. • produce lymphocytes, monocytes, and plasma cells • sites of phagocytosis (especially by macrophages) • sites of production antibodies (by plasma cells) The important of that phenomenon is to avoid microorganism (virus, bacteria, etc) and toxin to enter the hearth. The lymph node act as a defense to avoid ill cause by infection.
Vasa vasorum is a small system of vessel to nourish the wall of larger vessel, it could find in artery and vein, but greater in large vein. Because large vein is too thick to be nourished by diffussion from the blood in the lumen.
friend, I still confuse about the place of formation leukocyte.
Some scientist view said that it developed in lymphoid organs, the other view it is arise in red bone marrow, and another opinion it originate in bone marrow. which is the correct one? please explain me more...
All blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and they arise from a type of cell called the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). These special cells are capable of maintaining their numbers by self renewal and are capable of forming any of the numerous blood cell types. During the early stages of life, this process takes place in the yolk sac from whence it shifts to the liver and spleen during the third month of gestation. After the seventh month, the process shifts to the bone marrow.
To Ruly: The funcion of erythrocytes are to transport O2 and CO2 by it repiration pigment, Hemoglobin. To enhanced it function erytrocytes loss nucleus and organelles during maturation so that these red blood cells has no capacity for protein but only consist of hemoglobin so these erythrocytes could focus to their function.
The erythrocyte doesn't have nucleus to give more space for oxygen,it is to increase its function as transport cell. They dont undergoes the mitosis but they are overhauled (dirombak)in liver, so they dont need nucleus. ^^
i think,, this is about how our blood do in our body. how our blood can transport oxygen and food to all part of body and also how it happened. As we know, without blood, we can't transport oxygen and food to our body that we need.
In our blood have eritrosit yang memiiki bentuk bulat bikonkaf it have function to tranport oxigen, becouse in the eritrosit have hemoglobin that can mengikat oxigen. If in the eritrosit have trouble it can be problem in our body.
after that there is leukosit that have 2 type granula and non granula. Leukosit have function to menghasilkan antibody dan menjaga tubuh dari infecsi luar.
another component of blood is plasma in plasma compunt zat-zat nutriisi, like protein, glukosa, asam amino, zat-zat organik, and nutrition for our body. you can image di satu saluran berisi komponen tersebut dan akan disalurkan ke seluruh tubuh, pertukaran terjadi di arteriol pembuluh arteri yag paling kecil, disini akan terjadi difusi osmosis muatan dari komponene darah.
Anisa Nur Istiqomah/off A/2011 i'am sory i mean that pertukaran nutrisi happen in kapiler. so after arteriol terus menuju kapiler dara setelah ltu terjadi disfusi osmosis.
hmmm... question about the material circulation aplenty ...I'm so dizzy ... hihi I do not understand about the hemopoiesis ... maybe anyone can help? Holifa Cahyo Ning Arif 110341421522 off A/Bio 2011
i will try to help you holifa. first we must know waht the meaning of hemopoiesis. The meaning is proses pembentukan darah. Sel-sel darah berasal dari sel induk yang bersifat embrionl dan berkembang dan berdiferensiasi membentuk sel darah baru baik sel darah merah maupun sel darah putih. for eksample in Senior high skool my teacher tell that eritrosit have age lebih kurang 120 day, after eritrosit old, eritrosit that eritrosit akan difagosit oleh sel-sel di hati. sel darah yang difagosit akan digantikan dengan sel dara yang baru yang dibentuk dalam sumsum tulang. (my be another friends can give they opinion to add our knowledge).i'am sorry if my answer not make you confuse ^_^
Qurrotul a'yun/ 110341421523/ off A pend.Bio 2011 friends, I want to ask about erythrocytes, red blood cells, there is no nucleus, then, is there any other organelles that replaces the function of the nucleus?
ESTI NOVIANTI/ 0FFERING A 2011 mengapa vena pada sebagian orang memiliki vena yang kecil? apakah yang menyebabkan vena tersebut kecil? pada saat diambil darahnya menyebabkan vena tersebut akan pecah, mengapa demikian ? terimakasih teman-teman :)
Saya akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan dari esti. menurut saya, ukuran vena tersebut setiap Individu biasanya berbeda. salah satu faktor mengecilnya ukuran vena yaitu "berat badan" . Semakin berat badannya maka semakin kecil pembuluhnya dan semakin sulit dicari, karena pembuluh tersebut terselubungi oleh lemak. Semakin kecil pembuluh vena maka akan semakin tipis pula dan rentan pecah :D. Menurut saya seperti itu neng :)
Anemia is a condition where the red blood cell or Haemoglobin (Hb) levels less or do not reach normal limits. I agree with your opinion, another factor that is due to the habit of eating meat that include a lack of vitamin B12 deficiency which is a component of red blood cells.
For anisa OK thank you for your answer. setidaknya sudah membantu menjawab dan memberikan info yang lebih untuk memahami bab sirkulasi Holifa Cahyo Ning A 110341421522 oFF a bIO 2011
Based info at refrensi, your hypothesis is true. however, not because it can not produce red blood cells. but, due to the low levels of hemoglobin (Hb) to below normal limits. Anemia can also be caused by loss of blood volume due to an accident, due to the body's inability to produce enough red blood cells, and can also be caused by congenital abnormalities or genetic (hereditary). Based on the cause, anemia also many kinds. among other things:
Alfian oktavijayanti PBIO OFF A 2011 110341421527 TO: ESTI hahaha...sepertinya pengalaman pribadi yang diceritakan karena gagal tranfusi ya...??hahah bersabarlah, masih banyak jalan lain untuk beramal:) Menurut saya pada saat transfusi bukan vena yang di ambil darahnya, tetapi arteri. sebab arterilah yang mengandung darah bersih, sedangkan vena mengandung darah kotor karena fungsinya"balik"ke jantung untuk "membersihkan"darah kotor. darah yang akan ditransfusi itu pasti di ambil darah yang bersih dan tidak berpenyakit. Lumen arteri yang lebih kecil dibandingkan vena jika tertusuk jarum n selang darah dipaksakan maka akan merusak pembuluh darah tersebut. prinsipnya:lebih baik mengambil sedikit resiko daripada membantu tetapi menimbulkan resiko yang lebih besar:)..semoga bermanfaat^
hahahaha , saya setuju dengan Alfian. Selain itu faktor berat badan juga mempengaruhi tebal/ tidaknya pembuluh darah. misalnya tertutup oleh lemak sehingga sulit untuk di lacak :D
mam,, and all of my freiend.. i want to ask about mechanism of cyrculatory sistem.. based on the histologic structure, whether the mechanism of the circulatory system in baby and adults differ?
BalasHapusi am soryy i mean,, baby still on the baby's blood circulation mechanism in the womb
BalasHapusI want to ask about, what the blood coagulation process of animals and humans are same? describe histologically these processes in animals and humans if there is diferencess, becaus i still confuse :)
BalasHapusthe second question from me is why the wall of ventricles more thick than atria on human heart?
BalasHapusi wanna Answer the Dyah Afiat's Question >>
BalasHapusFetal blood circulation in the uterus is not the same as the circulation of blood in infants and children or adult.
the process/mechanism is:
1. Blood flow from the placenta to the fetus via the umbilical vein contained in the umbilical cord. The amount of blood that flows through the umbilical cord around 125 ml / kg / Bb per minute or about 500 ml per minute.
2. Through the umbilical vein and ductus venosus, blood flows into the inferior vena cafa, mixed with the blood returning from the lower body, and blood enters the right atrium where the blood flow from the inferior vena cafa passing through the foramen ovale into the left atrium, then into the ventricles left through the arch of the aorta, the blood then flows through the body.
3. The blood containing carbon dioxide from the upper body, entered the right ventricle through the superior vena cafa. Then through the pulmonary artery of the left ventricle into the aorta right, through the ductus arteriosus.
4. This blood is returned to the placenta through the aorta, internal iliac artery and umbilical artery to hold the next gas exchange. Foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus serves as a channel / shortcut that allows most of which had combined cardiac output back to the placenta without going through the lungs.
I wanna Answer the Oktavia's First question >>
BalasHapusI think, the histological structure of humans and animals are the same. animal is mean in higher animals / vertebrates.
whereas in lower animals such as invertebrates, have a little difference, there are the diffusion system and open circulatory system.
Circulatory system in animals can be divided into three, namely:
1. Diffusion system: occurs at lower invertebrates such as Paramecium, amoeba and hydra not have a circulatory system of the heart with the line that is the way to the circulation of food. Food is generally circulated throughout the body due to the flow of protoplasm.
2. Open circulatory system: if the circulation of his blood is not always in the vessels. For example: Arthropods
3. Closed circulatory system: if the circulation of his blood is always in the vessels. For example: Annelida, Mollusca, Vertebrata.
addition for blood clots (pembekuan) :
BalasHapusI think for blood clots in humans and higher animals are the same. because of the histological structure is similar. that is, after experiencing injury, platelets containing bits of blood will form blood fibrin and quickly will freeze (membekukan) the blood that around the wound.
any other suggestion?
to putu . are u sure in animal have fibrinogen too like in human ? please you explain me more about that :)
BalasHapusfriend i'm not understand yet about some matter in our book. first page 221 about fibrous valves guard where is the location of pulmonary semilunar and aortic semilunar? in the book it didn't mention.
BalasHapussecond: in sinusoid the endothelium incomplete . what is the meaning of "incomplete" here?
third: in venules there is an incomplete layer of pericytes. what's the meaning of incomplete here?
in the book i read there is sentence say that "in adult eritrocyt there is no nucleus" . is that mean that in young eritrocyt there is a nucleus? if yes how it can disapear whean it become adult. if there is no nucleus in adult eritrocyt how the process of cell activity regulate?
help me please
i try to answer the second question from oktavia
BalasHapusAs far i know,,
The walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria because of the functions that they have. The atria only pump the blood into the lower chambers, the ventricles.Whereas the ventricle are responsible for pumping blood to various parts of the body (Right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and the left ventricle pumps blood throughout the entire body). So the ventricles require much greater pressure than the pressure generated by the atria to fill the ventricles.
I still confuse, what's differenses about a system vasa vasorum in lare veins and elastic arteries???
BalasHapusI need your information what the histological structure of internal elastic lamina in arteri, and what's the function of this part? thanks ^^
fRIEND,,, i still confuse about elastic artery, please explain to me about that
BalasHapusto ndzani , so you mean that the wall of ventricles more thick than atria because of their function . and how about their component that arrange of atria and ventricles ? what the component not influence to the shape of ventricle and atria ??? (apakah penyusun dari ventrikel dan atria tidak menjadi pengaruh yg menyebabkan dinding ventricle lebih tebal dari pada atrium) ?? :)
BalasHapusto : ika ratnasari
BalasHapusArteries carry blood away from the heart. They are classified into three types according to their size: large or elastic arteries; medium (or muscular or distributive) arteries; and small arteries or arterioles, which are less than 0.5 mm in diameter.
so , the elastic artery are each type of Arteries carry elastic artery, The aorta and its branches (brachiocephalic, subclavian, pulmonary, beginning of common carotid and iliac) are distinguished by their great elasticity. This helps them smooth out the large fluctuations in blood pressure created by the heartbeat. During systole, their elastic laminae are stretched and reduce blood pressure. During diastole, the elastic rebound helps maintain arterial pressure.
to anisa khumaira :
BalasHapusThe vasa vasorum are found in large arteries and veins such as the aorta and its branches. Studies conducted with 3-dimensional microcomputed tomography (3D Micro-CT) on porcine and human arteries from different vascular beds have shown that there are three different types of vasa vasorum:
vasa vasorum internae, that originate directly from the main lumen of the artery and then branch into the vessel wall.
vasa vasorum externae, that originate from branches of the main artery and then dive back into the vessel wall of the main artery.
venous vasa vasorae, that originate within the vessel wall of the artery but then drain into the main lumen or branches of concomitant vein
The structure of the vasa vasorum varies with the size, function and location of the vessels. Cells need to be within a few cell-widths of a capillary to stay alive. In the largest vessels, the vasa vasorum penetrates the outer (tunica adventitia) layer and middle (tunica media) layer almost to the inner (tunica intima) layer. In smaller vessels it penetrates only the outer layer. In the smallest vessels, the vessels' own circulation nourishes the walls directly and they have no vasa vasorum at all.
and for elasctic artery have been answer by me in ika's question :)
Hi guys, how are you today? i hope you in good condition today, does not like me.
BalasHapusok, according too book which had read by me,on vestibular Regio, there tunica mucosa containing pigment, coated with a corpus epithelium squomus papillare complex, contains a lot of hair that is useful to filter the air. Under the epithelium there is a lamina propria with serous glands, underneath there is a sub-mucosa that is rich in vasa and Nervi. In Nares anteriores turned into the outer skin. In the horse contains hair, sebaceous glands and tubular glands. I wanna ask, whether the structure is the same for all types of vertebrates that have no hair? If no, explain. thank you.
ro hikmah maulidiyah
BalasHapusIn arteries a continuous layer of elastic tissue, called the internal elastic lamina, forms the boundary between the media and the intima.The outermost part of the intima is defined by a very prominent internal elastic membrane (not obscured by elastic lamellae as in large arteries). The basement membrane of the endothelium may rest directly on the internal elastic membrane, or be separated by a subendothelial layer of CT. The tunica intima increases in thickness with age, and may also become expanded by lipid deposits. :) about the funnction maybe from other friend can be added my answer :)
to oktavia :
BalasHapusI get little information
Beside this function,,differences in thickness of the heart chamber (atria and ventricle) walls are due to variations in the amount of myocardium present, which reflects the amount of force each chamber is required to generate. The left ventricle is the largest and strongest chamber. The left ventricle's chamber walls are only about a half-inch thick, but they have enough force to push blood through the aortic valve and into the body.
So because the amount of myocardium present, so that there is differences thickness wall between atria and ventricle.
to ika ratnasari :
BalasHapuselastic artery same with large artery Large artery called the artery wall is elastic because the Relatively thin as compared with the wide lumens. Large arteries have walls with many layers of elastin berfenestra (bertingkap) in the tunica media. The walls appear yellow in a fresh condition due banyanya elastin.
Dyah Afiat
to octavia :
BalasHapusi want to answer about differences abou the wall on the ventricles and atria
The walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria because of the functions. ventricles have function to pump the blood to our body.
dyah afiat
to dianing :
BalasHapusaccording o the topic is circulatory system, i think your question not relation to the topic discussion :) i confuse with your question :))
to ika ratnasari
BalasHapusAn elastic artery (or large elastic artery or conducting artery) is an artery with a large number of collagen and elastin filaments in the tunica media, which gives it the ability to stretch in response to each pulse. This elasticity also gives rise to the Windkessel effect, which helps to maintain a relatively constant pressure in the arteries despite the pulsating nature of the blood flow. Elastic arteries include the largest arteries in the body, those closest to the heart. They give rise to medium-sized vessels known as distributing arteries (or muscular arteries). The pulmonary arteries, the aorta, and its branches together comprise the body's system of elastic arteries.
dyah : thanks for your answer :) how about the component of it ? what the component of it influence of The walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria ?
BalasHapusPlease explain about sinusoids resemble capillaries but prosses certain distinctive features????
BalasHapusfriend i still confused about that, why the lymph must be passed through the lymph nodes?
BalasHapusthanks for your attention
Dyah Afiat
I've heard about a disease that attacks the veins are varicose veins? how did it happen? why can make marks that look like veins on the surface of the skin? Then how the histological structure of the vessel while it is disturbed?
BalasHapusPlease give me information about that my friends, thanks a lot..
BalasHapusfriends,, give me information about the histological structure vasa vasorum and nerfi vasorum in the elastic artery, thanks,.
Lutfi Rizkita_Bio A_'10
I'll try to answer questions from oktavia:
BalasHapuswhat the component of it influence of the walls of the ventricle are thicker than the atria ?
because the walls of the ventricles are thicker and more muscular than those of the atria.
okeeyy rimbi .. thaks for your answer :))
BalasHapusI'm sorry because late in join in this discussion.
BalasHapusI'll give a little information of Dika's 1st question.
So far I know the circulatory system in adult and baby have little differences.
1.In baby erytrocyte produce in liver, while in adult eritrocyte produce in bone marrow and degenerate in liver.
2. the amount of hematocyte value in baby and adult are different. hematocyte value is the coparation value of eritrocyte and plasma.
Waalaikumsalam, Lutfi !!
BalasHapusFor Bonny, Did you mean Varises ?
Varises may happen because of the widening of veins. Actually the function of veins is transporting the metabolism residu (sisa) from all of our body tissues to Heart again (kembali lagi ke jantung).
Varises caused by the decreased elasticity of the walls of veins.The flow of blood from the legs to the heart is fighting gravity, because it must be strong blood vessels, as well as the dynamics surrounding muscles.
* Damage to the vein valves, while valves or valve assigned to hold the blood that flows to the heart so as not to get out again. Damaged valves keep the blood gathered inside and causing clots that interrupt blood flow.
friends,, I have read that in blood plasma there is mineral component. what is it function in circulatory system?
BalasHapusfriends,,,give me information about the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that cause the pumping of the lymphatic system
: thank so @Ardiani samti,
BalasHapusbut I am still confused, how about the structure,there are changes or not when it happens?
@Oktavia Astiana: Thankz a lot ^^
BalasHapusI also found this matter in the last of the handout there is sentence the function of lymph nodes is "sites of production antibodies (by plasma cells)" but there is also mentioned that "Cancer cells can be the most problematic and can actually use lymph nodes as a site to metastasize"
could you tell me about this friends,? thanks :))
I'll answer dika's question about lymph node..
BalasHapusA lymph node is an organized collection of lymphoid tissue, through which the lymph passes on its way to returning to the blood.
Lymph nodes are located at intervals along the lymphatic system. Several afferent lymph vessels bring in lymph, which percolates through the substance of the lymph node, and is drained out by an efferent lymph vessel.
The second question from me, I've heard if the size of blood vessels in our body there is a large and small, and how the relationship or influence by the circulatory system?
BalasHapusgive me information again, friends..
@Devi Nur Oktaviandari:
BalasHapusI got it from the handout, there are mentioned the function of lymphatic circulatory system. hopefully it can help u:
• to transport protein from intercellular fluid that
cannot absorbed by blood capillaries and make
return it into the circulatory system
• to transport fat from the alimentary canal into the
circulatory system
• added the lymphocytes and the other immunity
factors into the circulatory system
I think from this explanation we may say that lymphatic circulatory system is the secondary route for intracellular fluid to return to the heart.
to hikmah
BalasHapusLymph nodes are particularly numerous in the mediastinum in the chest, neck, pelvis, axilla (armpit), inguinal (groin) region, and in association with the blood vessels of the intestines.
To Bonny :
BalasHapusPerhaps the size of the veins is different. But,for sure answer Let's check it together or Does any Friend can help me and Bonny ?
Does the structure of the vein in varises condition is different ?
To bonny
BalasHapus1. in the small circulatory system the blood flow from hearth to lung then entered the blood again
2. the large circulatory system the blood flow from hearth to lung then transport to the body entered the blood again
the difference is that the large one transport through the body.
to ardiani
I think the histological structure is not different. but the size and the formation are different. (in varises the vein is fold)
@septi: could you tell me more, actually i haven't caught your explanation yet, thanks :)
BalasHapusDevi Nur Octaviandari oFF A 2010
BalasHapusthankz for the explanation from septi..
and 1 have second question. I've read that the circulatory system has the function of bringing nutrients and oxygen to cells and also involved in the defense. What kind of existing defense role in the circulatory system.
I want to ask about blood vessel blockage.
BalasHapuswhat are the factors that influence blockage of blood vessels?n please explain me more, how the process of it and how the histologic structure of blood vessel blockage?
Dwi Tika Ratna Sari
Off A 2010
I'll try to answer the questions from Devi......
BalasHapusCirculatory system consists of blood and blood circulation devices. One of the components of blood are leukocytes. As we know, leukocytes are part of the immune system which comprises the lymphatic system and immune system.
For example in the lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels and limfoid organs.Lymph fluid is flowing in all body tissues, but not always flow in the vessel. Lymph fluid containing white blood cells, fibrinogen, and platelets are the three functions in the process of blood clotting and prevent infection.
Dwi Tika Ratna Sari Off A 2010
blockage of blood vessels are caused by many reason, for example ?
3.colouring substance
4.tasting substance
5.zat 'pengawet
6.water poluted
according to me,, if the blood vessel is blocked by strange subtance, it has limited space for our circulation. and it will be dangerous if it's not treat..
to devi
BalasHapusI'd like to complete dwi's answer..
I agree that leukocytes have responsibility for leukocytes, the component that has more responsibility for defence is limfosit.
limfosit produce antibody to defence virus in our body. it also produce antigen so our imune can recognized kind of disease that have already happen in our body
to bonny
BalasHapusI think your question in focused in size of blood vessel, not about small circulatory and large circulatory
I'll to answer, according to me..
small blood vessel is just like capilary, it's placed almost in hole body to transport blood into through small pore,,
but large blood vessel is just like arteria and vena, they has responsibility to transport blood to all body so it need more size so it can bring a lot of blood..
to ardiani
BalasHapusI'd like to add about varises
vein in varises is folded dan getting wider. Stretching of blood vessels is due to the amount of pressure on it which resulted in blood vessel walls become weak and thus easily stretched.
I 'd like to ask
BalasHapusI ever felt that there was a'kedutan' on my vein, what actually happened? what cause this to happen?
I wanna to answer of Desy's Question,
BalasHapusI think
based on the understanding that I got,,, twitch in the presence of part or causes the lining of blood vessel such as cramping or cell-cell and its constituent tissues stretch or the situation is not as usual, resulting in a twitch. so far, but I'll look back a more detailed explanation
if the vein is injected there will be small hole in that vein. how does vein can "repair" the hole.
BalasHapuswhether the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets may play an important role in the body? and if any one of these three kinds of blood cells that have a shortage or excess in the body, how are the consequences?
BalasHapusFrom : Sari Rahma Putri. BIO OFF A 2010
To : Sari Rahma Putri
BalasHapusI think the red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes) all have different and very important role in the human body, especially the circulatory system. such as red blood cells (erythrocytes) and determine the role of oxygen circulating in human blood, white blood cells (WBCs) contribute to destroy the objects which are considered alien and harmful by the body, such as viruses or bacteria, blood platelets (thrombocytes) play a role in the process blood clotting.
From : Rizki Armando Putra / Biology Off. A'10
To : Sari Rahma Putri
BalasHapusI also would add an answer about your next question, about how if the body of a person experiencing lack or excess of the three kinds of blood cells is, in my opinion if this happens then the person experiencing it means suffering from a disease or disorder such as if the lack of red blood cells ( erythrocytes) it will suffer from anemia, when the excess or increased white blood cells (leukocytes) in excess it will be developed leukemia, and if the platelets do not perform the role properly then it will have hemophilia. core or the conclusion is that if someone has a deficiency or excess of the three types of cells then serve targeted circulation system can not run as it should in people with normal or abnormal in the circulatory system.
From : Rizki Armando Putra / Biology Off. A'10
To : Rizki Armando Putra
BalasHapusOoooOOO ........ thank you for your explanation Rizki. So how histological structure of the three kinds of blood cells? how is its shape, its features and its location may be on our bodies? so that when we do practice of circulation system is able to draw well. your explanation please?...
From : Sari Rahma Putri BIO OFF A 2010
To my Histology Students
BalasHapusI'm very glad because of your good activities in ask, answer and giving opinion about this matter. But I hope you will more discuss about histological structure of the organs composing the circulatory system as the main topic.
Please read and discuss again about the function and location of vasa vasorum, and about the structure and it relation to the function of elastic artery. Thank you and good luck.
*Bu Amy*
@ Hikmah
BalasHapusI'm so sorry if my explanation isn't clear yet.
I think the lymph node easily attach by cancer cell because it location I have mentioned.
and the function of lymph node is to filter all of pathogenic substance. lymph must pass the lymph node before enter the body. may be some of lymph circulation bring the cancer cell and it filter by lymph node and stay there to metasize.
@ My Friends Of All
BalasHapusMay be about function and location of vasa vasorum, The structure of the vasa vasorum varies with the size, function and location of the vessels. Cells need to be within a few cell-widths of a capillary to stay alive. In the largest vessels, the vasa vasorum penetrates the outer (tunica adventitia) layer and middle (tunica media) layer almost to the inner (tunica intima) layer. In smaller vessels it penetrates only the outer layer. In the smallest vessels, the vessels' own circulation nourishes the walls directly and they have no vasa vasorum at all.
From : Rizki Armando Putra Bio OFF A 2010
@ My Friends Of All
BalasHapusAnd about relation the vasa vasaroum to the function of elastic artery, I'm still confuse but, in my opinion there is related about The walls of these large arteries (elastic arteris) are so thick that their peripheral parts cannot derive enough oxygen and nutrients from the blood of the vessel that they form. Larger vessels are therefore accompanied by smaller blood vessels which supply the tunica adventitia and, in the largest vessels, the outer part of the tunica media of the vessel wall. The vessels are called vasa vasorum. In macroscopic preparations vasa vasorum are visible as fine dark lines on the surface of the larger arteries.
may be any other opinion my friends?
From : Rizki Armando Putra Bio OFF A 2010
vasa vasorum is in the tunica adventitia. on larger vessels, vasa vasorum in the tunica adventitia extensive branching. vasa vasorum provide metabolites for the adventitia and tunica media of the vessels, because the lining is too large to be given food by the diffusion of blood flow. in arteries, vasa vasorum are more rare and only reached the tunica adventitia, whereas in the vein, more numerousnd and reaches the tunica media.
BalasHapusGood morning...
BalasHapusFriend I still confuse the question no.10
Why should the lymph must be passed to the heart?
Do they have different streaming?
Thanks a lot
good night friends,,,
BalasHapusnow i want to try answer the question from my sister Imah... from some literature that have i read, we can conclude that Lymphoma is a cancer (malignant) of the lymphatic system (lymph nodes). The lymphatic system brings a special type of white blood cells called lymphocytes through a network of tubular channels (lymph vessels) to all body tissues, including bone marrow.
The spread of this network is a collection of lymphocytes in lymph nodes called lymph nodes. Malignant lymphocytes (lymphoma cells) can be unified into a single lymph node or can spread throughout the body, even in almost all organs.
Two main types of lymphoma are Hodgkin's Lymphoma (more often called Hodgkin's Disease) and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Burkitt's lymphoma and mycosis fungoides belongs to the type of Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
Hodgkin disease (Hodgkin's lymphoma) is a type of lymphoma is distinguished by certain types of cancer cells called Reed-Stenberg cells, which have a distinctive appearance under the microscope. Tues Reed-Sternberg had a malignant lymphocytosis of greater than one cell nucleus. The cells can be seen in biopsies taken from lymph node tissue, which is then examined under a microscope.
Hodgkin's disease is classified into four groups based on the basic characteristics of a network that looks under the microscope
i want to try answer the sari's question...
BalasHapusi agree with rizki opinion. i think the erytrocyte, leucosit and trombocite is feri importen for our body and they have specific function. if there are abnormality to them it can create a disease. likes leukimia and haemofilia.
@ rizki armado about vasa vasorum
BalasHapusThe vasa vasorum is needed to supply large arteries and veins because of their size. In order to effectively receive oxygen from the bloodstream, cells must be very close to a blood vessel or capillary so the oxygen can pass into each individual cell. Most blood vessels and veins absorb oxygen from the blood flowing inside them. However, because the large veins and arteries are by necessity so thick, their outer and middle cell layers cannot be adequately nourished without this additional network of blood vessels to support them by providing oxygenated blood and carrying away deoxygenated blood.
Frinds, I need your help to answer may questions, I still confuse with this: Is skeletal muscle can also assist heart to pump the blood to circulate in our body? (please look at telford, 1995:219 on the top paragrahp 1)
BalasHapusWhat does it mean of cardiac skeleton? (telford, 1995:219 on myocardium section paragraph 3)
Thanks a lot for your answer :)
hay,,guys..maybe it's to late to join this discussion,,,
BalasHapusbut i have some problem to understanding about the location of vasa vasorum.
does vasa vasorum exist just in the large veins and arteries?
how about the other kind of arteries or veins? does it have vasa vasorum too?
ouh,,i'm forget..i have the other question.
BalasHapusit is about leukocytes.
how is the histological structure of each kind of leukocytes??
leukocytes are classified into two main classes on the basis of the type of cytoplasmic granules and the morphology of the nucleus.
is there any characteristic that can distinguish the kinds of leukocytes?
.thank you_^^
for tutut
BalasHapusAs far As I know. Vasa Vasorum only exist on large blood vessel or in medium size of blood vessel(medium arteries or veins). but in medium size of blood vessel only have small number of vasa vasorum.
BalasHapusI also confuse about vas vasorum, in my answer for excercise D i choose artery for the most having vasa vasorum.... and as far as know after i read the book the vasa vasorum only act as nourish vessel. is it true or wrong? may be i just need read more... ^_^
BalasHapusFor Din.
BalasHapusI think yes, but it is specific for certain part. like the heart that the wall has three layers, also for each artery like large artery, medium artery, and aorta, each of them has certain layer. read the book, ok? hehehe...
may be it is too late to ask, but i really confuse about the ech part of lymph. How can we determine lymph node, lymph vessel, and lymph capillary?
BalasHapusI wanna try to answer Lina's question:
BalasHapusHopefully it could help you
For lymph capillary:
Lymph capillary, is vessel that coated by endothel, usually the endothel diameter is larger than the blood vessel. Lymph capillary usually without lamina basalis.We can find lymph capillary on collagen connective tissue (jaringan ikat kolagen).
For lymph node:
Lymph node is a lymphoid organ containing many lumph nodules, sinuses, etc. It acts as a filter for lymph and producer of lymphocytes. Lymph node is wrapped/coated by dense connective tissue, irregular and have capsule shape. Lymph node contain collagen fiber, reticular and elastic fiber.
For lymph vessel:
lymph vessels (or lymphatic vessels) are thin walled, valve structures that carry lymph.
all of friend.. may be i know about the answer of excercise D number 10 :
BalasHapusespecially for ardiani samti :
Nodes in the flow is carrying fat, if fat is through the vessels of, causing accumulation of fat in the blood vessels so that blood vessels narrowed, and will cause disease. Therefore, the nodes have a special channel.
its my opinion... any coment ?????
off A
to ardiani
BalasHapusi will answer ardiani's question about why the lymph must be passed through the lymph nodes
as far i know,,Lymph nodes are found all through the body, and act as filters or traps for foreign particles. They are important in the proper functioning of the immune system. They are packed tightly with the white blood cells called lymphocytes and macrophages.
So lymph nodes as an immunologic filter, through which the lymph is cleaned of bacteria and foreign particles before returning to the lymph circulatory system.
I'd like to give addition about lymph node
BalasHapusThe passages to the heart, the lymph must be passed through the lymph nodes because it lies in the lymphatic tract (lymph vessel) from the organs to the hearth. It is interposed along the course of lymphatic vessel. The lymph enter lymph node through the afferent lymph vessels, and pass away through the efferent lymph vessel at the hilum of the node.
The important function of limph node are
• filtration of lymph from microorganisms and their toxins.
• produce lymphocytes, monocytes, and plasma cells
• sites of phagocytosis (especially by macrophages)
• sites of production antibodies (by plasma cells)
The important of that phenomenon is to avoid microorganism (virus, bacteria, etc) and toxin to enter the hearth. The lymph node act as a defense to avoid ill cause by infection.
@ lina
BalasHapusVasa vasorum is a small system of vessel to nourish the wall of larger vessel, it could find in artery and vein, but greater in large vein. Because large vein is too thick to be nourished by diffussion from the blood in the lumen.
friend, I still confuse about the place of formation leukocyte.
BalasHapusSome scientist view said that it developed in lymphoid organs, the other view it is arise in red bone marrow, and another opinion it originate in bone marrow.
which is the correct one? please explain me more...
BalasHapusbased on my literature
all blood component is produced in red bone marrow
source: Human Anatomy p.651
addition answer ti septi question
BalasHapusAll blood cells are formed in the bone marrow and they arise from a type of cell called the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). These special cells are capable of maintaining their numbers by self renewal and are capable of forming any of the numerous blood cell types. During the early stages of life, this process takes place in the yolk sac from whence it shifts to the liver and spleen during the third month of gestation. After the seventh month, the process shifts to the bone marrow.
from: silfiah anggraini_off A
friends i still confuse what is the benefit of erythrocyte doesn't has nukleid...???
BalasHapuswho can help me, help me please
thank you
To Ruly: The funcion of erythrocytes are to transport O2 and CO2 by it repiration pigment, Hemoglobin. To enhanced it function erytrocytes loss nucleus and organelles during maturation so that these red blood cells has no capacity for protein but only consist of hemoglobin so these erythrocytes could focus to their function.
BalasHapusto: ruly
BalasHapusadd linda's answer
The erythrocyte doesn't have nucleus to give more space for oxygen,it is to increase its function as transport cell. They dont undergoes the mitosis but they are overhauled (dirombak)in liver, so they dont need nucleus. ^^
mam/friendz, do you agree if i said that artery has most vasa vasorum because of its thick wall, i really have no idea about it... T_T
Titis Henykartikasari off A 2011
BalasHapusbu amy...... i luv u
asekkk asekkk
HapusI love histology
BalasHapusBIOLOGI OFF A 2012...UYYE2 Prikitiew...
della libi, vivi libi n ari libi...
i love histology
BalasHapusalfi premitasari off A
Hi Off A 2011... How are you??
BalasHapusoh yach,,if we study about circulatory system... what do you think about it in your mind?? :)
#Roy Befi B Off A 2011
i think,, this is about how our blood do in our body. how our blood can transport oxygen and food to all part of body and also how it happened. As we know, without blood, we can't transport oxygen and food to our body that we need.
HapusAyu Nupitasari/ off A/ 2011
hm,, i forget that our blood not only eritrocytes, but also white blood and plasm blood..
Hapusmaybe our friend in offering A can help us to describe how the circulation system happen in white blood and plasm blood??
hihihi ^^
Ayu N.
Anisa Nur Istiqomah/offA/2011
HapusIn our blood have eritrosit yang memiiki bentuk bulat bikonkaf it have function to tranport oxigen, becouse in the eritrosit have hemoglobin that can mengikat oxigen. If in the eritrosit have trouble it can be problem in our body.
after that there is leukosit that have 2 type granula and non granula. Leukosit have function to menghasilkan antibody dan menjaga tubuh dari infecsi luar.
another component of blood is plasma in plasma compunt zat-zat nutriisi, like protein, glukosa, asam amino, zat-zat organik, and nutrition for our body.
you can image di satu saluran berisi komponen tersebut dan akan disalurkan ke seluruh tubuh, pertukaran terjadi di arteriol pembuluh arteri yag paling kecil, disini akan terjadi difusi osmosis muatan dari komponene darah.
Anisa Nur Istiqomah/off A/2011
Hapusi'am sory i mean that pertukaran nutrisi happen in kapiler. so after arteriol terus menuju kapiler dara setelah ltu terjadi disfusi osmosis.
hmmm... question about the material circulation aplenty ...I'm so dizzy ... hihi
BalasHapusI do not understand about the hemopoiesis ... maybe anyone can help?
Holifa Cahyo Ning Arif
off A/Bio 2011
Anisa Nur Istiqomah/off a/2011
Hapusi will try to help you holifa. first we must know waht the meaning of hemopoiesis.
The meaning is proses pembentukan darah. Sel-sel darah berasal dari sel induk yang bersifat embrionl dan berkembang dan berdiferensiasi membentuk sel darah baru baik sel darah merah maupun sel darah putih.
for eksample in Senior high skool my teacher tell that eritrosit have age lebih kurang 120 day, after eritrosit old, eritrosit that eritrosit akan difagosit oleh sel-sel di hati. sel darah yang difagosit akan digantikan dengan sel dara yang baru yang dibentuk dalam sumsum tulang.
(my be another friends can give they opinion to add our knowledge).i'am sorry if my answer not make you confuse ^_^
Qurrotul a'yun/ 110341421523/ off A pend.Bio 2011
BalasHapusfriends, I want to ask about erythrocytes, red blood cells, there is no nucleus, then, is there any other organelles that replaces the function of the nucleus?
to a'yun
BalasHapuserythrocytes haven't nucleus because hemoglobine can bind O2 (secara maksimal) and for erythrocytes have caracteristc poliable
Krisnaini Haneum Permata
110341421529/ off A/ 2011
BalasHapusmengapa vena pada sebagian orang memiliki vena yang kecil? apakah yang menyebabkan vena tersebut kecil? pada saat diambil darahnya menyebabkan vena tersebut akan pecah, mengapa demikian ? terimakasih teman-teman :)
Vivi Dwi Kurniawati / Offering A
HapusSaya akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan dari esti. menurut saya, ukuran vena tersebut setiap Individu biasanya berbeda. salah satu faktor mengecilnya ukuran vena yaitu "berat badan" . Semakin berat badannya maka semakin kecil pembuluhnya dan semakin sulit dicari, karena pembuluh tersebut terselubungi oleh lemak. Semakin kecil pembuluh vena maka akan semakin tipis pula dan rentan pecah :D. Menurut saya seperti itu neng :)
Apakah penyebab seseorang itu menderita anemia? Apakah organ pada individu tersebut tidak bisa membentuk sel darah merah sehingga mengalami anemia?
Vivi Dwi Kurniawati / Offering A
HapusAnemia is a condition where the red blood cell or Haemoglobin (Hb) levels less or do not reach normal limits. I agree with your opinion, another factor that is due to the habit of eating meat that include a lack of vitamin B12 deficiency which is a component of red blood cells.
Lutfin Andyana R
BalasHapusOff. A 2011 (110341421521)
I am still confuse about the sirculatory limphe, especially about process of limpha vasculer to the hearth? Can you help me my friend?
For anisa
BalasHapusOK thank you for your answer. setidaknya sudah membantu menjawab dan memberikan info yang lebih untuk memahami bab sirkulasi
Holifa Cahyo Ning A
oFF a bIO 2011
for Enggar
BalasHapusBased info at refrensi, your hypothesis is true. however, not because it can not produce red blood cells. but, due to the low levels of hemoglobin (Hb) to below normal limits. Anemia can also be caused by loss of blood volume due to an accident, due to the body's inability to produce enough red blood cells, and can also be caused by congenital abnormalities or genetic (hereditary). Based on the cause, anemia also many kinds. among other things:
1. Anemia hemorrhage
3. aplastic anemia
4. pernicious anemia
5. Sickle cell anemia (sickle anemia CEL)
Ary Maf'ula
off A 110341421504
Alfian oktavijayanti
BalasHapusPBIO OFF A 2011
hahaha...sepertinya pengalaman pribadi yang diceritakan karena gagal tranfusi ya...??hahah
bersabarlah, masih banyak jalan lain untuk beramal:)
Menurut saya pada saat transfusi bukan vena yang di ambil darahnya, tetapi arteri. sebab arterilah yang mengandung darah bersih, sedangkan vena mengandung darah kotor karena fungsinya"balik"ke jantung untuk "membersihkan"darah kotor. darah yang akan ditransfusi itu pasti di ambil darah yang bersih dan tidak berpenyakit. Lumen arteri yang lebih kecil dibandingkan vena jika tertusuk jarum n selang darah dipaksakan maka akan merusak pembuluh darah tersebut. prinsipnya:lebih baik mengambil sedikit resiko daripada membantu tetapi menimbulkan resiko yang lebih besar:)..semoga bermanfaat^
Vivi dwi Kurniawati
HapusBiologi / Off A/ 2012
hahahaha , saya setuju dengan Alfian. Selain itu faktor berat badan juga mempengaruhi tebal/ tidaknya pembuluh darah. misalnya tertutup oleh lemak sehingga sulit untuk di lacak :D