
Jumat, 24 September 2010

Digestive System

Digestive System Phki [Compatibility Mode]

19 komentar:

  1. Mam,I've tried to download this handout but I can't.In download page, it noticing that the server of downloader can't be found yet.Maybe if I try later it could work...
    By the way,thank you for online method,it's really interesting and I feel so excited.

    Dyah Ratna off A

  2. it can be download, if the server is correct.
    but there is something wrong with this server perhaps. there are something incorrect in pathname to located it. so it can be download

    dwi martha-A

  3. I can download it well, guys. Just download it through Do not use mediafire. Maybe uploaded file on mediafire is broken.

    Angga Off.A

  4. friend, is there anybody can explain to me about Lieberkuhn glands? i still have a confusion about it. Thanks before. . .

    ika sukmawati
    off. a

  5. I think the Lieberkuhn gland that The lamina propria contain intestinal glands, known as
    crypts of Lieberkuhn that composed by columnar
    epithelial cells, goblet cells, Paneth cells, and
    enteroendocrine cells.

    Atika Dian Off A

  6. so, what is the main function of lieberkuhn gland?
    is that for absorption?

    Ganang Fajar E
    Off A

  7. ukay,,,I think that's true
    the function of lieberkuhn is to replace most of the lining absorptive cells so the absorption will be increase.

    Elysa PEV
    Off A

  8. friends, I want to ask about the teeth, you think it is growing on the teeth beforehand that the dentine or email? because I'm still confused ...

    Atika Dian F.
    Off A

  9. friends...

    i want ask about papilla..
    circumvallata papilla have a 'parit'...
    what is function of 'parit'???
    apakah itu berhubungandgn fungsi dr papilla tersebut??

    sri rosidha k.
    off A

  10. saya rasa parit pada papilla circumvalata ada hubungannya dengan fungsi papilla terrsebut. karena Papila sirkumvalata adalah papila terbesar yang tampak sebagai papila-papila berwarna merah muda 2 sampai 4 mm. Papila tersebut dikelilingi oleh suatu parit sempit dan juga berisi kuncup-kuncup pengecap. jadi papila sirkumvalata memiliki ciri struktur yaitu terdapat parit.

    M.syamsul Arifin
    off A

  11. Dwi Retno Pintarti/ PBio 2011/ 110341421508

    Friends.... :)
    Can our small intestine trip? Explain it???

  12. Enggar Agustina/PEND.BIO/110341421520

    why most vertebrates continuously replace their teeth throughout their lives?

  13. Enggar Agustina/PEND.BIO/110341421520
    OFF A/ 2011

    why most vertebrates continuously replace their teeth throughout their lives?

    1. Pramisya Indah Cahyahesti
      Off A Biologi

      From the literatur that I have found :
      The teeth of most vertebrates are replaced continuously throughout the animal's life. Teeth erupt from the jaw, they wear and perhaps break, and they drop out of the jaw as new teeth grow in at their roots. This eminently practical process doesn't work well, however, for animals that depend on the precise meeting ("occlusion") of upper and lower teeth for chewing, as it creates gaps where teeth are absent or still growing in. For an analogy, consider what it is like to try to cut with scissors that have a deep notch in one blade. Such a row of teeth might work well for grabbing and holding prey, but it would be much less efficient than an uninterrupted row when it comes to slicing and grinding.

  14. I do not understand the function of the gland Lieberkuhn, whether this gland in terms of function and style together with other glands such as the small intestine?

    Holifa Cahyo Ning Arif
    Off A Pend. Biologi 2011
    NIM: 110341421522

  15. to Holifa C.A

    menurut info yang saya dapat
    Function of Lieberkühn glands are occupying the mucous membrane, secrete digestive enzymes, provide outlet ports for Brunner glands, and produce cells that replace surface-membrane cells shed from the tips of villi.

    to Dwi Retno
    The small intestine is a long, narrow tube running from the stomach to the large intestine. The small intestine is greatly coiled and twisted. Its full length is about 20 feet (6 meters). The small intestine is subdivided into three sections: the duodenum (pronounced do-o-DEE-num), the jejunum (pronounced je-JOO-num), and the ileum (pronounced ILL-ee-um).

    The duodenum is about 10 inches (25 centimeters) long and connects with the lower portion of the stomach. When chyme reaches the duodenum, it is further broken down by intestinal juices and through the action of the pancreas and gall bladder. The pancreas is a large gland located below the stomach that secretes pancreatic juice into the duodenum through the pancreatic duct. There are three enzymes in pancreatic juice that break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The gall bladder, located next to the liver, stores bile produced by the liver. While bile does not contain enzymes, it contains bile salts that help to dissolve fats. The gall bladder empties bile into the duodenum when chyme enters that portion of the intestine.

    The jejunum is about 8.2 feet (2.5 meters) long. The digested carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and most of the vitamins, minerals, and iron are absorbed in this section. The inner lining of the small intestine is composed of up to five million tiny, fingerlike projections called villi. The villi increase the rate of absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream by greatly increasing the surface area of the small intestine.

    The ileum, the last section of the small intestine, is the longest, measuring 11 feet (3.4 meters). Certain vitamins and other nutrients are absorbed here.

    Titis Henykartikasari/bio A/2011/110341421518

  16. Lutfin Andyana Rehusisma/bio A/2011/110341421521
    I agree with titis
    i don't understand about the differences of duodenum and colon with their function and the structure histologis

    1. Qurrotul A’yun (110341421523) Off A Pend. Bio
      lutfin, I think the differences of duodenum and colon there are:
      • Abundant leaf-shaped villi, but lowest in height
      • Prominent brunner’s gland in the sub mucosa
      • An incomplete serosa replaced by an extensive adventitia
      • The termination of bile and pancreatic ducts
      • The surface epithelium consist of three types of cells:
      - Simple columnar absorptive cells
      - Abundant goblet cells
      - Stem cells give rise to the absorptive cells
      • The crypts of Lieberkuhn of the lamina propria are longer than those of the small intestine, contain numerous goblet cells
      • The mucosa of the colon is free of villi

    2. Pramisya Indah Cahyahesti
      Off A Biologi

      To help us remeber the differences between duodenum and colon, may be we can identify based on the structure of the layers such as;
      a) Mucosa layers :
      Duodenum -> consist of simple columnar epithelium with villi
      Colon -> Consist of apithelium with three types of cells :
      • Simple columnar absorptive cells
      • Abundant goblet cells
      • Stem cells : give risa to the absorptive cells

      b) Lamina propria
      Duodenum -> There is tubuler glands called lieberkuhn glands that composed by argentafin cells, paneth cells, and gada cells
      Colon -> The crypts of Lieberkuhn of the lamina propria are longer than those of the small intestine, contain numerous goblet cells

      c) Muscularis layers
      Duodenum -> Consist of inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle layers
      Colon -> Consist of inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle layers

      d) Sub mucosa layers
      Duodenum -> Prominent Brunner’s glands
      Colon -> The sub mucosa resembles that of the jejenum or ileum

      e) Adventitia layers
      Duodenum -> An incomplete serosa replaced by an extensive adventitia
      Colon -> The colon has both serosa and adventitia. The serosa presents small, fat-filled pouches, the appendices apiploicae
